[WP] A law is passed where criminals can volunteer themselves for "cruel and unusual" punishments to reduce their sentence. The more brutal your punishment, the more time that is taken off your sentence.

  I’m serving a life sentence without the chance of parole in prison for double homicide. I already spent the last decade wasting away in my cell waiting for death. I’m laying on my bed, if you can call a rock covered with a sheet, when I hear a knock at my cell door.   I immediately sat up, and saw a paper being pushed through my food slot in the door. I rushed towards the door to pick up the paper. I begin to read the letter.   

   * Hello, prisoner#6389       You’ve been given a chance to shorten you sentence. The Governor has passed a law allowing you to potentially be a free man. Your freedom will come with a cost. Please review the terms below, and slip the paper back through your food slot. If you do, then you will be contacted within 24 hours.      Level 1- paper cuts between fingers (1 month reduced from sentence)   Level 2- finger nails removed ( 2 months reduced from sentence)   Level 3- fingers cut off ( 2 months per finger reduced from sentence)   Level 4- Arm cut off ( 1 year reduced from sentence)   Level X- Deluxe package (All of your sentence reduced)*         I check the box next to Deluxe package. I figure why not go all out. I’m sick of waiting for death. I want to breathe fresh air again. I slipped the paper back out through my cell door good slot.   24 hours goes by, when I hear my cell door food tray open. A tube entered my cell emitting a green gas. I run towards the tube trying to clog whatever is flowing out of it. I drop to the floor in agony. My body feels like somebody dropped a 1000lb weight on top of me. I can’t breathe. I can’t see. I feel like I’m going to die.   The pain is dimming, but I’m not getting better. Am I dying? I can hear the hiss of gas stopping. A voice echoes throughout my cell.   “You’ve completed the deluxe package”   I smile to myself, before passing out. I awake surrounded by darkness. I can faintly hear what sounds like dirt being shoveled on me. I attempt to yell, but I can’t. I try to move, but my body won’t. I try to scream, but no sound comes out. They think I’m dead!?! I just wanted to be free again!!!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread