[WP] Life began with a single species. It evolved so quickly, they started farming planets for resources to sustain their own greed. Planet Earth has gotten out of hand and intervention is necessary to save the planet from human destruction.

"Look at them. They're so fragile and susceptible to their own vices. To think we were once like them," Commander Zerlix mused, "It's sad that our planet of origin is engulfed in hatred and suffering." He shaked his head as he watched the news feeds. The headlines told of the invetiblity of World War 3, the end of all wars, which would throw 200,000 years of evolution down the drain.

"Tell me, Rin, should we really prevent this tragedy?", he asked his advisor. Without skipping a beat the reliable android replied.

"No, we should not. Even if we intervene, they'll return to their savage ways. Humanity can not be trusted." Zerlix sighed. Perhaps she was right. But still, he couldn't be swayed into not abandoning the haphazard race.

"Set a course for Earth, Lieutenant Foy." There was a begrudgingly look on his face, but he did as he was told.

                                     * * *

"Sir, I think you should see this.", Henry Valentine urged. The Deputy Administrator of NASA strolled to the astronomer's 3D computer, and was shocked to see the image that was displayed. In the video that was supplied by a satellite in Mars, there was an unmistakable UFO traveling through the Milkey Way. The implications was exciting.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread