[WP] A man jumps from a bridge.

He had such a love for all things. He loved the morning light in his window after a long night of restless tossing and turning. He loved the singing of the birds in the park where he sat alone on a wooden bench. He loved the warm embrace of a hot shower after a day of solitary work landscaping lawns. He loved the world, everything about it... Almost. There was one thing in the world that he did not love. He did not love the people who would not let the light shine. He did not love the people that would not have the birds sing. He did not love the people who would not let the water flow. There were people in this world who would take from him all that he loved. There were people in this world who would take from everyone all that they loved. There were people in this world who would do this, and for seemingly no reason at all. And the thought of this world without what he loved worried him greatly. A world without what he loved, was a world without his life. He looked down at the steel crossbeams of the tower he was sitting atop, and the water so far below him that parted at the supports. He had never been so high up before. It was cold. From his shirt pocket he retrieved a small piece of card stock. It read: "They aren't coming you know, it's all just lies to scare you. The Feds will stop them if they try anything. They'll never take what you love away from you. I'll see you Thursday when I get home from the airport. We can go get some drinks like we've always talked about. I've missed you dearly these last few years. I love you. Yours, Samantha" He crumpled the card stock in his palm and held it tightly. The cold vanished as the sun rose over the horizon. Not from his window, but still here to greet him in his final moments. He stood up. He could hear birds singing. Not from the park, but still here to greet him in his final moments. He took a step off of the tower, and descended towards the flowing water below. Not from his shower, but still here to greet him in his final moments. "Sam, you've taught me how to love this world, and it's something I can never thank you for." Later in the morning, The President of the United States of America issued a formal statement to the press regarding the terrorist attacks in Richmond, Virginia. The President has called for a nation-wide state of emergency. So far reports are saying upwards of 2000 dead, 7000 injured, and 400 missing.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread