[WP] Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are two robots sent to Earth by aliens, one sent to advance humanity, the other sent to hinder it.

Mars, God of Wars Look far back in time. Not 100 years ago, not even 1000 years ago. 7 million years ago, when the earliest humans arrived. For a long time now, humans have been told to believe humans evolved from an early form of apes. But, the actual story is a lot more interesting.

Now here’s what really happened. 65 million years ago, Mars was a lush green and blue planet just like Earth, full of dense forests and plantlife.. The people who lived on Mmars were not called Martians. They were called Mams. These Mams were an advanced society, with technology humans couldn’t even imagine. They were also very peaceful and spiritually intertwined. Mars did not have war, or competition, because they’ve always cooperated to advanced further. The Mams were aware of Earth, and of the monstrous dinosaurs that roam there. The Mams had a plan. They wanted to colonize on Earth. They called it the New World.

However, Tthe Mams, however, were about to make the worst mistake of their species. They did not know of the Lizard people. The Lizards were, at the time, a primitive people, and dominated the Earth. The Lizards dominated the birds, insects, amphibians, and any sort of creature which roamed the Earth. The Lizards had a special power which let them let them manipulate other living creatures. This was called the Voice.

When the Mams arrived, they landed in a big green savanna in Africa. The Tthousands of colonists slowly filed out of their planetship. They gazed in awe at the strange sights: animals in the sky, small creatures with many legs. The Mams did not fear the dinosaurs, as they could easily defend themselves with their technology T. However, they never could have prepared for the Lizard people, though, and their mysterious power of the Voice.

A nearby tribe of the Lizards noticed the strange visitors, and were confused and scared. The Lizards decided to attack the visitors.. They used the Voice to control the Mams, used the Voice to literally rip their minds apart. The Mams screamed in agony, a pain like nothing ever felt before. They screamed and screamed, until their heads exploded. 

On Mars, things were looking grim. The Mams decided to settle on Mars, and proclaimed Earth too dangerous because of the colonists’ mysterious disappearance.

The Lizards soon discovered the massive planetship, and began to scavenge. First, the metals on the outside, to use for tools, and building. Second, they discovered the remarkable technology on the inside. Finally, they discovered the ship’s archives and i. IInformation on everything the Mams know. 

The Lizards soon discovered a secret document that contains everything the Mams know about AI. A more efficient, higher thinking, being. Over generations, the Lizards soon became advanced. Cities, technology. Early on, they created a religion for this AI. Their research was focused on creating this AI. The Lizards also noticed Mars and their people, and did not forget about their invasion. They planned to launched a massive nuclear missile to destroy all life on Mars.

On Mars, the Mams kept a close eye. They knew the Missile was coming, to take all life. They could not defend against the Earth because they did not have a military. So they decided to make a last effort to preserve their species. They would send two ships to Earth, one with enough fuel to take a out a majority of life on Earth, the other with 3 Mams. - They were named Adam, Eve, and Elon. Adam and Eve’s job was to populate the Earth, while Elon was to guide this new race of Mams, Mammals. They were given implants in their brains to give them instructions for when they woke up; Elon was given an experimental mixture which made him unageing. The Mammals whose job was to repopulate on the Earth were put into a freeze sleep, as the trip would take years; the majority of the fuel was given to the missile to destroy enemy life on Earth.

By this time, the Lizards had only just figured out AI. They implemented a certain Lizard with a crude AI, and a memory to store every Lizard life on Earth at that time. The new cyborgs name was Zuckerberg. His job was to eventually finish the research of AI, and to implement the Lizards on to robotic bodies, with the help of AI.

Both races launched their attack. Mars is destroyed, and most intelligent life on Earth, especially reptiles, are wiped out. except for Zuckerberg, whose’s enhancements allowed him to survive. Eventually, the Mammals ship lands, and Adam, Eve, and Elon eventually woke up to where we left off. 7 million years ago, in a rotting and eroding planetship. Unfortunately, in the long wait, something went wrong for Adam and Eve. They both could not remember anything before waking up. When they heard the voice, it startled them, and they thought it some sort of a God. The God told them not to eat from the treacherous apple tree, as it had been poisoned by Zuckerberg. When they took a bite, humans began, because of the rebellious and destructive behaviour they had made. All humans descended from them, and were unknowing of their relation to Mars.

Even though Zuckerberg was a cyborg, his enhancements did not stop him from aging. His biological half sometimes rotted from overaging. He had to take parts of humans and other life forms to repair his biological self. His cyborg enhancements also had to be repaired. In Ancient Rome, Julius Caesar's actual name was Zuckerberg. The senators who stabbed him were Musk, and a group of humans who had been recently recruited to kill the emperor. They brutally stabbed him 27 times. However, it wasn’t until too late when they discovered he had escaped, and they had only murdered a body double.

Zuckerberg wasn’t making any progress in Rome. He decided to live a discreet life while he waited for the human race to become more scientifically advanced.  In 2002, he encountered a student who went to Harvard. He murdered the student, and then took his place. This is the Zuckerberg you know today. He started Facebook to finish his AI research.

Meanwhile, Musk was created his own ventures. He made Spacex, to help humans get back to their original home planet: Mars; he also created Tesla, to recreate the transportation he used back home on Mars, and because the humans were going on a dangerous path with their own cars.. Musk spoke out against artificial intelligence. This is the only way he could fight against Zuckerberg. He couldn’t assassinate Zuckerberg, it would easily link to him, and the humans wouldn’t forgive him.
In order to take out Zuckerberg, Musk created a flamethrower. He concluded that a flamethrower would eliminate him.

Musk met with Zuckerberg. But what Zuckerberg didn’t know was that , is Musk had finished with Falcon Heavy. He used an EMP to temporarily disable the cyborg half of Zuck. Zuckerberg was in shock, having not been only organic for millions of years. Musk took the stunned Zuckerberg, stuffed him inside the trunk of his Tesla. At moments notice, Musk had launched his Falcon heavy, with Zuckerberg inside. 

And while Musk had won, but his battle wasn’t over. His next challenge , was to redefine the future of the human race.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread