[WP] Mars, 2486 A.D. The Curiosity Rover sings Happy Birthday for the 474th time, but this time, it isn't singing alone.

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Curiosity!"

It it the year 2486 A.D, and we finally found the old girl. My name is Captain Stone, and I am the 2IC for Expedition XCV on Mars, the 2nd Colony of Homo Sapiens (Human). I am one of the rarer greens from the UNSO Academy, as I was born on Earth, the home of Homo Sapiens. I was tasked to this expedition, with the objective to recover the rover Curiosity for the UNSO's 450th Anniversary. Its honestly a miracle we found her, and still in one piece, give or take a couple of bolts. We were planning on recovering her sooner, since Humans had landed on Mars in 2020, and the UNSO's formation in 2036 A.D. I mean we had colonies since 2025 A.D., but - and no offense to Curiosity - we had bigger things to deal with. UNSOS Virginia Dare made contact with a species of Intelligent Life in 2150 A.D., which resembled the Earth species of Dendrobranchiata, but around the size of a Gorilla in the TRAPPIST-1 System. Ironic isn't it? Finding Dendrobranchiata type life, in a star system in the Aquarius constellation, Latin for Water-carrier. I think its cool.

Its not like we forgot about Curiosity, its just hard to finance money for a recovery mission for an arguably disposable rover, when your species finds out they aren't the only ones in the universe.

"Happy Birthday to You. And Many More..."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread