[WP] As a necromancer, you don't get as many girls/guys in your magic school as the charming flowermancer. How do you win over your crush?

There's all sorts at university. You've got your 'mancers- those who can make or control certain elements of the universe. You've got your sorcerers- they bend the elements as a whole to their will, the wizards- they design and make spells, for unpowered people to do the things sorcerers do. And of course, the thaumaturges, seeking to find the secrets of magic, of how our world works. That's how majors are organized, though it's all decided by affinity tests beforehand. So, tests put me in the 'mancers, and there I've stayed.

Among us 'mancers...there's somewhat of a class system, you see. People like those who can make beautiful things, so you can imagine how popular vitromancers, with their stained-glass structures, or the saxomancers, with their solid, unbreakable walls, would be. The floramancers are universally popular with the ladies, of course...who wouldn't love a guy who can produce a bouquet of roses at will? Yeah, my roommate's one of those. I can't count how many times I've come home to our door charmed shut, with scattered clothes and flowers outside.

Then there's me, and my...ilk, I suppose. The necromancers. People avoid us like the plague...probably because of the rumors we were responsible for it. Turns out, people don't like those who can raise the dead. If someone dies suddenly, you can bet people suspect us- we benefit from death, they say. So we're not very popular with the ladies. Not that I blame them.

But even unpopular, pasty, "crypt-raiders" have to take Gen-Mag (103). General Magic, in the Da Vinci Building, taught by Professor Hexe. That droning, old witch could probably be replaced with one of her standard, complicated-but-boring spells. Either way, most of us still have to take her class, no matter which program we're in. Which is how I met Sara, the thaumaturge.

You know the type. The perfect girl.

Blond hair, green eyes, body like soccer player and mind like a razor. Witty and kind, too, the kind of girl you only see in fiction. Honestly, who gets catcalled by frat-jock Quidditch-players, and smiles, then goes on with her day? Of course, she laces the smile with disorienting spells she gets from her roommate...but you see my point. She otherwise has something nice to say about everyone, and an answer to every question. In summary: I've never spoken to her, I wouldn't dare.

Currently, she's sitting two rows in front of me with her wizard roommate, while Hexe drones on about Bartowzki transfiguration integrals. Even in jeans and a sweatshirt, she makes it hard to pay attention to the lecture. Not that it would be easy even without her here. They say school that challenges you should entertain you, but this class puts even the best of us to sleep (upon which most of us fail the test). I wonder if a resurrection spell would work on Hexe?

Class is over now...I'd better go see if I can get the teacher to explain some of those concepts again. I make my way down the steps as my classmates rush past me in a wave of humans, magic, and small animals. A few of us have fought our way through the fray, making our way to the impressive, inlaid oak door that conceals more dust and books than a small library. I twist the know carefully and push the door open, with some effort.


She's slumped over on her desk. Snoring. The old bat.

Behind me, movement. "Ah damn...is she asleep again?" I freeze, my breathing suddenly becoming very careful as I turn around to see Sara, peering past me at the spectacle of the old magic professor. "Of course".

I stutter, startled, as she frowns at the sight of a snoring mound of grey hair. "I t-th-think so. Looks like she drank too much witch's brew."

Sara rolls her eyes. "Of course she did. I'd want a drink, too, after that lesson. I wish she'd given us textbooks, then we could figure these lessons out by ourselves. Magi help me...she probably left them somewhere, and forgot where."

"I...I have the textbook". Damnit damnit damnit. Stop now.

She raises an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How'd you get it, I heard all the copies disappeared from storage?".

"I got it from a grad student I work with sometimes. Apparently they used the same book when he took the class." Oh god, I'm such a nerd.

Unexpectedly, she grins. "Of course. Books as ancient as the teacher, right? Hey, do you think I could borrow it sometime? It'd certainly help with the calculation problems. Or hey, why don't we go to your place and study together? That way I wouldn't be depriving you of your study tool."

Oh god. However I'd imagined our first conversation to be like, I hadn't imagined this. "Uh...well...".

"C'mon, it'll be fun! Two heads are better than one, right?"

I barely manage to stammer a surprised "yes" before she flashes me that grin again, and tells me to lead the way.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread