[WP] A new space telescope has taken many close up photos of far away planets. NASA realise that the photos show the story of a destructive alien race that is heading in our direction.

"Smell my balls!" Nova yelled, slamming the table with her shot glass. The holocard projections flickered with a humming sound, then reestablished themselves. "Next!"

The fat man rolled his eyes, pushing the chair back so hard it crashed to the floor. With a flick of his Pad, he transferred the money to Nova.

"All right," Nova said, taking a sip of her beer and restarting the holocards. "Who's paying for my next round?"

The crowd around the table exchanged looks, but no one volunteered. Out the window, Nova could hear the sound of a new batch of drunks arriving at the Howl. People straight from the bright side of Kepler-22b, ready for happy hour. Ready for flirting, drinking, and, hopefully, playing a few games with her.

"No one?" Nova insisted, looking around.

"Hey, can I ask you... how can a pretty girl like you handle that much booze?" a tall, well-dressed young man ventured, taking the fat man's seat in front of her.

"You gonna play?" Nova asked, lighting a cigarette. The smoke danced and swirled across the holocard projections, turning the young man's face a shade of white and gray.

He was attractive. Blue skin and protuberant cheekbones the kind that made you think of landlords owning half a planet on the KOI System, or something.

"I'd like to take you out to dinner, actually," the man replied, with a smirk. A couple of his friends laughed. "How about tomorrow?"

"Oh, gee, thanks," Nova replied, getting up. "But I don't date men who drink light beer," she finished, putting her cigarette out on the man's draft.

Stepping away from the laughter, Nova reached the bar. Ronan greeted her with a smile.

"Shot?" he asked, already putting the glass in front of her.


On her back pocket, something vibrated. Nova reached for her Pad, distracted.

"There you go," Lee smiled, pouring the glass full. "Tough night at the holocard table?"

Nova frowned. There were no notifications on her Pad. She could have sworn she heard a --

Her pocket vibrated again, and so did Nova. There was only one other thing inside her pocket. One small device that could vibrate, and that hadn't vibrated in at least six Earth years.

Lee leaned over, peeking at Nova's HomeCOM. "What's that?"

"A pager," Nova heard her trembling voice. On the very top of the key-chain looking device, a green light was dimly (but definitely) lit, indicating that Earth was getting in touch. That she should prepare and make the usual arrangements for a personal meeting.

Nova looked up. In front of her, Lee back at drying glasses, a look of half curiosity behind his eyes.

"Bad news?"

Nova took her glass from the counter and downed the shot, eyes still on her Pad screen.

"Just...work," Nova said, trying to keep her voice casual.

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