[WP] You open your eyes and are horrified to realize you are now a ghost. But things just get worse when you rotate and find your former body getting up as a zombie. In vain, you spend your days trying to guide your ravenous idiotic zombie body only to be continually horrified and embarrassed.

So far I've realised five things.

One, zombies are idiots but I suppose that's a no-brainer, pun intended. Two, they only change direction when they smell fresh blood. Otherwise they just keep on shuffling aimlessly in any old direction, usually forward, wherever that leads. Three, they have no coordination outside of grab, grab, bite, bite, continually bumping into things. Repeatedly. Four, it is the inside of a freshly killed body that gives them sustenance, not the actual flesh but the entrails, intestines and the organs. Five, zombies are idiots.

I have no idea how long I've been dead now. It seems like eternity. Maybe it is.

That particular morning was like any other. My foul smelling, rotting body had picked up the scent of some wild animal and began to wander into the forest. It must have lost the scent because it suddenly slowed down to the usual trundling pace and tripped over a rock.

"Get up. You can do this. Just like last time."

My body just kept on trying to walk horizontally, my head

/r/WritingPrompts Thread