[WP] A particular set of twins have the ability to communicate with each other telepathically. One of them dies, but the other can still hear his/her thoughts.

Hey Chris, I can still hear you, ya know. And no, I don't hate you for borrowing Majora's Mask and forgetting to give it back.

My name is Chris Walker, and my twin brother and I, Thomas, have always been able to communicate telepathically, so this was nothing new to me, hearing him in my head. Only thing is, Tom was murdered last week. I woke up from my grieving scared out of my fucking mind, wondering what is going on and how.

Yeah buddy, I don't know how it works either, but we can still talk the talk, we just can't walk the walk together.

It's definitely him, only Tom would make a stupid joke like that.

That was funny!

Tom, this is no time for jokes. I've been extremely depressed and grieving for a whole week and you decide to talk to me after?

Hey, I wanted to see if you really cared.

You're a dick...but how does this work? You're dead! And another thing...if you can read my thoughts you know that the cops have turned up nothing on your case, no fingerprints, no ID on the guy, no clues, no nothin'.

I know, and that's kinda why I'm here. Dying is fuckin' scary Chris, and I'll tell you about it later. Right now you need to know that I know who killed me. A man named Kevin Yancey. He lives right here in New York, too.

Holy shit Tom! We have to go to the police with this! We can catch this guy!

Chris, they're not going to believe a grieving twin, who is "hearing his dead brother in his head since they can talk telepathically". No one believed us when we were alive, either...

I went to the police anyway. Just as Tom said, they assumed I was delusional and crazy. However, they looked up the guy and he was clean, somehow. They told me to go home and get some much needed rest. I did the opposite.

And you're sure Kevin Yancey is your guy? 100%, bro. Got it. I just messaged him on Facebook 'I know you killed my brother, I'm after you now'. Let's see how he reacts to that.

You know once he gets it, he's gonna skip town, right? Duh. Good thing you have a ghost and the internet then, huh?

Tom, you think you're so funny. But he's checked into his favorite coffee place, Captain Caffeine, several times this week. He must be really anxious. I feel like once he sees my message, he'll stop by there and then run.

Good thinking bro, we gonna track him down and serve justice like dad did? With mom's killer?

I hadn't thought of that...I guess that runs in our family, just like our shit sense of humor. But yes, we're catching this guy with or without the police.

Chris, that's him, second in line.

Got it, I'll get a drink and watch what he does. He's getting it to go, obviously. Getting in his lil' brown Corolla. He's sitting there, which is good for us, we can leave when he does. Now he's moving, going down the interstate. Running, just like I said.

Dude he's stopping. At a rest stop. Alone. Is this someone up above watching over us? Karma? Or just dumb luck?

Tom who cares, this works for us. Let's do this. I brought your bat and my pistol. Whichever one I use depends on what this fucker says.

Chris we're gonna kill a guy in a rest stop bathroom? This is an odd place for redemption.

"Kevin Yancey, my name is Chris Walker. You killed my brother last week. You evaded the cops but not me. I'll be your judge and executioner, consider this your trial. Please state your case."

'I...I...I uhh...how did you...I saw your message...how...no...I did it clean...no witnesses...no potential for failure...'

"So you admit. That's all I need for the sentence. Death. All I ask now is why?"

'It was impulse. I enjoy hurting people. I'm going to enjoy killing you for all this trouble. You think you've won but I've got a gun, "detective".'

" Me too," I said as I shot him in the chest. "But I win, Kevin." I drug him out into the woods behind the rest stop and shot him again to finish him. It was over.

Well, Chris. You won. But you're gonna be a suspect if anyone finds him, since you went to the police.

Don't worry, they won't catch me, I'll be long gone. Plus I avenged you, that's all I care about. Besides, no one else can talk to the dead...oh yeah! What's death like?

To be honest it's really boring. I'm glad I have you to keep me company. I just stand here, doing nothing. But hey, we're still brothers.

You're right. But you should be a peace now...right? Shouldn't you be moving on?

I never heard Tom's voice again after that. I hope he's not too bored without me.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread