[WP] A pilot has a symbiotic relationship with their ship's AI.

It's time to wake up

The darkened cabin slowly grew lighter as the fluorescent bulbs sparked to life.


The lump of blankets shifted slightly, a light yawn emitted from underneath. A metal arm detached from the switchboard, stretching out and rolling the blankets side to side.

"What time is it"


Kris groaned, pushing the heavy woolen blankets off of him and sitting up, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling.


Kris smiled softly, gripping the metal limb that had extended towards him. Pulling himself out of the bed and climbing slowly down the ladder he managed to reach the floor before the roar of the ships engine sputtered to life.

Shall I set the course? the loudspeakers in the cabin asked smoothly as the sound of the engines died down again.

"Yes please" Kris responded, grabbing a hold of the door frame and pulling himself out into the small hallway. The sudden brightness made him shield his eyes.

The hallway eventually gave way to another door, the sliding mechanism kicked into action, pulling the heavy steel apart to allow Kris in.

An array of flashing lights filled the flight deck, switches, levers and a joystick protruding from the walls in a seemingly random order. A pair of human like hands were tapping on a touch screen display, entering numbers quickly.

Course set

Kris nodded, taking a seat next to the pair of hands and taking a small notebook out of the holder in front of him. He read through the various pages, laughing at some and quickly skipping others. The pair of hands sat idly by, the fingers twitching occasionally.

"You alright Lauren?" he whispered calmly, slowly running his palm over the top of the hands. The twitching stopped at the loudspeakers emitted a soft sigh.

I'm still adjusting

"We'll get through this" he mumbled, swiping the display to bring up a live feed from the heart of the ship. Metal tubes ran across the screen, a large metal cask sat in the center of the camera's view, the tubes connecting at various points. Kris gripped the joystick on his side, moving the camera over the cask to look inside the glass screen. When the fog on the glass cleared he let out a sigh of relief.

The human heart inside was still beating.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread