[WP] Practicing for your real marriage proposal on the beach, you kneel down and say jokingly say "Ocean, will you marry me?". A salty breeze hits your face and you hear something whisper "I will".

It came with the salty sea green breeze, pushing hair strands away from my face. I felt a gentle force pull me from my knees in the sand and drag me towards the rushing, deep ocean. I looked back to see if any beach-going bystanders could help me, but I was alone.

The ocean sensed my fear and pacified its waves. It continued to pull me closer before it wrapped me in a blue, oceanic force and dunked me under the water. I tried to scream, but could not, as I could not breathe.

I held in my breath as long as I could until a sudden rush come through my body, and opened my eyes and lungs. The salt of the water burned my eyes and filled my lungs. I sunk deeper and deeper into the blue abyss as I watched the world above sea level disappear before my terrified eyes. Finally, I felt the sand of the ocean floor and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up to darkness, and a frightening marriage. I'd lost the beautiful Liliana, and the grace she had when we ran along the shore together. We shared the ocean, and now the ocean took me away from her, and gave her nothing. Liliana sent a search party for me after I did not come home. They checked every corner of the town for weeks on end. They finally declared me dead from drowning when they found my cold body on the shore.

I pitied Liliana when I watched her open the unforgiving yellow bottle in the emotionless bathroom cabinet. I saw her take one, two, four, seven too many, and the look on her face as she stared into the mirror at her rapidly failing body. But she knew what she was doing. She soon collapsed and disappeared. She hoped she'd see me again in the life afterwards, but would be disappointed.

I never did die that fateful day, but was simply reborn into something I never imagined. The light hearted practice became an eternal choice that took me away from the human world. I was now one with nature; I was one with the ocean. The ocean was me, and I was her too. Two aquamarine souls intertwined in a sea of darkness and discontent. Like many other marriages, we were resentful. But unlike other marriages, we were trapped, never to escape the rushed decision to force our love.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread