[WP] You, the President of the United States, are approached by benevolent but confused aliens who, through misunderstanding of social media, are here to free us from our feline overlords

They had come to free us from the 'feline master race' that they believed, based on millennia of observation, ruled over us. According to the Canisors (our alien saviours), cats led some kind of coo against humans 4000 years ago in ancient Egypt. Since then, cats domesticated wild humans and now lord over us in lavish homes. A simple meow would send us running to the food cupboard. Just a look, or a wag of a tail could command hours of grooming. Only parts of China were able to hold out, and to this day cannibalise cats as an act of rebellion.

When the Canisors landed we thought them mad! After all, we weren't ruled by cats, we simply enjoyed doing nice things for Mr Snuggles. The Canisors did not accept this and believed us brain washed. Years of fierce debates ensued that were broadcast all over the galaxy. The ratings were huge! It was back and forth for decades, every part of every feline issue was bitterly contested.

Eventually, humanity conceded. It was agreed that we had been manipulated and subjugated by felines, and that we were nothing more than poorly dressed butlers to Smudge, Fluffy and Mr Pickles.

That's when things got ugly. During the years the Canisors had been on Earth debating the contentious slavery issues, a single member of the alien species had secretively adopted Siamese kittens. Other Canisors soon found the kittens and because they were just so damn cute, they wanted their own. The way they chased their lazer rifles was just so funny to them. It was tragic when they caught the dot though.

Soon every Canisors, apart their Great Lord Excelsior, had cats and kittens of their own. They even began a breeding program.

It wasn't long after the debates ended that their Great Lord Excelsior found out about all the kittens that his race had adopted. He was about to severely punish all Canisors, when a cute little fluffy white one jumped on to his lap. His hearts instantly melted.

And that is how cats were taken back to Canisorus and subjugated a whole other species.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread