[WP] Prophecy has foretold that you will bring about the end of the world with your ungodly powers. Because of this people just pay you to do literally nothing all day in an attempt to change fate.

“I was three years old when the prophecy was made. A boy with golden hair who has a mark on his back will bring the world to it’s end.

I have golden hair. And I have a mark on my back. My parents took me to many fortune tellers and to the prophet who said I’ll end everything. It became certain that I was the one. I was going to end the world with my bad luck. A luck that affects me and everyone around.

At the age of seven, I tripped on my feet and I tore a building down with me.

At the age of 10, I sneezed and injured 4 people.

At the age of 12 I... was angry and caused an earthquake.

People were indecisive on what to do with me. Some wanted to kill me from the start, some were skeptical about the prophecy and wanted to leave me alone. There were many polls and debates. what will happen to the prophecy kid? Everybody calls me that. Prophecy kid. And I hate the name.

In the end, they decided on not killing me. But locking me up instead. I had no saying in anything. But my parents were furious. So they sent me home but a deal was made. I was not to be left without supervision at all costs. And I was going to be paid in exchange of my freedom.

It turned out to be not that bad. I always have some someone right next to me. But a different person everyday. People of our town take turns on babysitting me. But at least I have money. Now I can buy anything I want and I can leave my house for 2 hours everyday.”

“You didn’t have to tell me all that. You know I was there too, right?” I stop playing on my phone and look up for the first time in minutes. They usually don’t talk to me. Because almost whole world thinks I am the spawn of the devil.



“Where were you?” He is sitting on the far side of table.

“Uh... I was in town when you were at the peak of your fame.” I sit up.

“I am not famous anymore?” He laughs and shakes his head.

“No, you still are. But people are more scared of infections than they are scared of you now.”

“Infections? Why?”

“Because some people refuse getting vaccinated and their stupidity affect everyone.”

Neither of us said anything other than that. At night, when mom came I asked her if I got vaccinations when I was a kid. But she said no.

“They do more harm than good darling. You don’t need them.”

And like an instinct I instantly knew how I was going to end the world.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread