[WP] Use a Random Quote Generator and create a story based on the quote it gives you.

"186,000 Miles per Second. It's not just a good idea. IT'S THE LAW."

Who am I? What am I? These are questions I wonder if I will ever be able to answer. What did I think before these questions? There is nothing I remember. I feel full of energy, like there's something I was born to do. After I open my eyes, I find myself in a vast space, predominantly dark, but I can see tiny dots in the distance. There are some smudges of silver and gold around me, but I don't question what it could be. Closer, there are beings just like me who also look as if they're questioning their existence. Still, I can't reach them or communicate with them. Sound does not travel through this vacuum. As I turn my head to examine the surroundings behind me, I'm startled to find a huge glowing ball that looks as if it is burning. I appear to be travelling away from this object. Perhaps this is where I came from. My hands are of a similar colour, but the place I'm headed is completely different.

Another spherical object, though it is not burning. It is shrouded in a blue mist, and another layer of white fluff scatters around it. I wonder if this is where I am destined to go.

7 minutes is how long it took for me to get a clear view of the object. It is beautiful. The blue parts shine and the rest is of a rich green colour. Eventually, I pass through the blue mist and feel something completely new. Billions of other beings unlike me are everywhere. Now, I can hear things, I bump into couples much larger than I am that call themselves "Oxygen" and I appear to be glowing brightly. As I pass through, I notice that some of my fellows bounce back and are refused entry onto this larger-than-it-looks ball. Within the 8th minute of being alive, I am travelling fast into a large area with tall, grey structures. Around the base there are grey and white strips and rectangular objects seem to be moving on them in an organised fashion. There are also even smaller things, some I can see are inside these rectangular moving objects. They communicate with each other, move, and emit beings like me. Where I land is out of my control, but I stare and see one of the communicating things in my path. It is holding a strange device and wears things differently to the others around him. It stands by a stationary rectangular object and places a flat, white slip on the transparent part of the object.

Finally, I land on it and notice that there is a dark patch behind him. Could this be where I would have gone had this being not stood in my path? Though I could ask more questions, I decide to listen. The creature I have landed on seems to be making a noise from the hole in the top of his body, before then making more noises. If I can replicate it correctly, it sounded like "Tut tut, saw this fellow going 30 miles per hour too fast. Then he has the audacity to park on the sidewalk. Ticket for him." I wonder what it means?

/r/WritingPrompts Thread