[WP] You realize you are one of the last members of a dying species. Another member claims your species will be saved if all remaining members make a sacrifice.

We crashed here sometime ago, on this barren, desolate planet. Someone saw us do so, and rushed to get here. Within a a solar rotation of this sun, they arrived. Taking us in, nursing the last of our species back to health.

Rotations drew on aa they quarantined us here, studying us, taking away our ship for experiments. They never listened to us, our numbers swelled as the colony became bigger and bigger. We were able to restart our society, under the watchful eye of our "saviors." Always keen to never let is slip out of their grasp.

Yet their world was as turbulent as put last. Annihilating each other, their aid stopped coming after a time. They didn't destroy themselves completely, just enough to lose interest in us. Yet they still didn't listen, until they showed back up.

Those who we ran from found us, chasing us across the stars. It caught our friends by surprise alright. But these beings had a lust for war, never could we imagine the audacity, brazen courage, and blind faith these people could muster together. Fighting back our foes in days, something we couldn't do over years. Yet again, they were left even more weakened.

Plagues became common place, we took them in, finally able to study these people. Learning their biology, anatomy, and epidemiology. We were able to bring them back up, yet the cost was paramount.

To make them, like us. Genetic mutations to their genome allowed them to surpass anything their ancestors could dream of. But they were not who they once were, just a fragment of a soul left inside.

But together, we can do great things across this galaxy. Together these starts will fall to our might. Their ingenuity for war, and our advances in science will know no bounds as we crush our foes.

No more will our race suffer by the hand of others. That's how it started, that's how I can sit here, with my gun pointed at you, as you tremble at what your short future holds. We came to finish what we started, your society will burn as annihilate your genetic impurities.

Welcome to our future, mother fucker.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread