[WP] make us root for the villain UNTIL the last line

Jack Tarradellas, the legendary private snoop, woke up handcuffed in a room with no stove, no microwave, and no fridge. He could tell it was a kitchen, though, because a man wearing a musty robe was preparing his breakfast in the other side of it, his left hand holding a mug, his right hand searching for something in a small cupboard. Jack tried to shout to the man, only to find out he was aphonic.

The man waved his mug as soon as he heard Jack's tiny voice. "Hey, nice to hear from you". He turned around and closed the cupboard, drawing what seemed to be a cereal box out of it. The man was Tobias Sunseed, a millionaire, and Jack was supposed to follow his movements. His financial activity in the last few months made him rise in notoriety: many companies fell to his incredible audacity in stock exchanges and were either declared bankrupt or incorporated to Tobias' already huge empire. He soon appeared in every front page worldwide, and everyone in the broker business waited for Sunseed's next big move before investing in anything. Many renowned economists started to mention him in their classes and books. The people who hired Jack, however, didn't like Sunseed at all: they belonged to the group of people that feared his actions would end up posing a problem for global economy.

"Don't push your voice too much, man. You've been treated with a special gas that numbles vocal chords. Got to love the boys at the lab, eh? Way less rude than sticking a gap in a guest's mouth." Jack was surprised by his stalkee's nonchalant voice. "Enjoy the silence, man. Want some coffee?" I shook my head. "Come on, have some. First one's on me!" He pulled a coffee jar from another cupboard. "I bought Nescafé a couple of hours ago when you were still sleeping. I mean, Nescafé and Bonka and Lavazza and..." Tobias stopped for a moment and smiled. "I told my team to buy the most successful coffee companies today. Only coffee-related ones, though: it's Thematic Thursday, and coffee is today's topic. Any coffee brand you can come up with, I probably own it already."

After finding a mug, he filled it with water from a sink close to Jack and handed it to him. "I got lots of guys working on the thing, you know. With a team like this, one can do whatev– Oh, sorry, man! I didn't remember you were tied up like that. Hmm, let me think." Tobias rummaged the room until he found a footrest and a straw. He put the footrest between Jack's legs and carefully placed the new mug and theh straw on it so that Jack could sip from it without using the hands

/r/WritingPrompts Thread