[WP] They said The Butterfly Effect was just a metaphor about unintended consequences, little did they know... Explain the chain of events that led up to World War 3 as a result of you forgetting your math homework.

There is an old saying:

"For want of a nail, the horseshoe was lost.

For want of a horseshoe, the horse was lost.

For want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For want of a rider, the message was not delivered.

For want of a message, the war was lost."

It has been 3 months. The world is embroiled in World War 3. It is said that North Korea fired the missile at Japan which sparked the conflict. But we know better. Let us rewind 3 months, and figure out how I, a lowly 12th grade slacker, caused this whole mess.

September 27th, 2017 - I was barely on time for Mrs. Jennings Basic Math course. I slunk to the back and sat in my usual seat near the radiator and pulled my phone out. Sliding it under the desk, I could watch a movie while appearing to pay attention. I'd been doing this for most of the year now. As the rest of the class passed up their assignments, I pretended to pass mine up as well. Wrong move.

"Mr Watkins, did you really not do your assignment?"

I looked up from my desk and shrugged.

"Guess not, Mrs. Jennings."

That must have been the last straw. She threw the papers on her desk and marched out the door. She had marched right down to the principals office and called my parents. Dad worked late, some fancy government job where he listened to people talk. I thought it was cool, like he was a spy or something, but he waved it off. Said he was more of an interpreter rather than a spy. Boring.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yes, the phone call. Apparently Mrs. Jennings had known all along that I was skating through her class and this was it. I was failing and there was no way out of it. My dad blew his stack on the phone and said he'd be there to pick me up soon. This was of course relayed by the now smiling Mrs. Jennings. As I packed up my bookbag, I put on my best sarcastic smile, and thanked her on my way out her door for the year long movie binge session.

"You'll regret this, Waylon Watkins. You really will.

It was a grueling 2 hour wait for my dad to get home from work and pick me up. He was furious, and it showed. Dad grabbed my roughly by the arm and marched me to the front door, informing me that Mom already removed all electronic devices from the house. And that, 'Waylon, don't even try to circumvent this. Someone WILL be watching'. (Will finish later.... currently at work)

/r/WritingPrompts Thread