[WP] Scientists have invented a machine that brings back people from the dead when the world needs them the most. It is the year 2150 and three people were brought back by the AI, one of them is you

“Adam!” I heard the sound and it seemed familiar.  I couldn't discern where it was coming from.  Everything was a haze.  There was an immense fog clouding everything I knew.  I felt nauseous, like waking up from surgery.  My vision started to clear and I could make out some grey blobs in front of me.  It seemed like they were the source of the sound.
“Adam!  We need your help!” The words made more sense this time.  It was a song melody stuck in my head with the chorus garbled into an indistinguishable mess.  
“Adam!  THE PLANET NEEDS YOU!  WAKE UP!”  There was a sharp searing pain in my cheek. Pain that was familiar, suddenly everything became focused.  In front of me there was a group of people wearing white lab coats.  
“I am;klbaldy”.  Words.  I couldn't quite get my tongue to move in the motion it should have.  
“Blink if you can understand us.”  I forced my eyes closed and held them there for a second before reopening them.
“Good.  Adam, It’s 2150 C.E. The Multivax has woken you up.  We’re not entirely sure why.”  That didn't make sense.  What the hell is a Multivax?  What did they mean ‘wake me up’?  I mean I’m here but I don’t remember where I was before.  
“Wait. What?”  The statement had been jarring enough I managed to spit out some simple words.
“As I said before it is 2150 C.E.  Twenty five years ago we created the Multivax which can ‘wake someone up’ if they are needed.”
“When you say ‘wake up’… do you mean what I think you mean?”  Because I can’t really remember how I got here.  I just remember being in the hospital.”  My past was starting to comeback but what was being told to me was throwing my brain for a loop.  
“Yes Adam.  You were dead, and the Multivax has woken you up, so to speak.”  
“You’re off your rocker.”
“We need your help.  It is imperative for the survival of mankind otherwise you would have been left to rest.”
“What do you want?  The sooner we take care of that the sooner I can try and wrap my brain around what you are telling me, because right now I am struggling.  Really, really, struggling.”
“It seems that there is some software in an old nuclear bunker that is frozen and we’re afraid that it’s going to detonate the warhead.”
“I died 75 years ago and you brought me back from the dead to troubleshoot your software!?”
/r/WritingPrompts Thread