[WP] Shit just got real

My slender fingers curled around the matte black metal of a Glock 18. My pulse quickened. Adrenaline supercharged my system. Shit had just got real. The black suitcase connected to my wrist through handcuffs whacked itself against the handrail of the staircase. I took the stairs two at a time. A peek behind me. Nothing. Sweat dripped down my face. My pasty white skin shook and trembled.

“How much time until you infiltrate the building” my voice betrayed my body as the words trembled their way out of my chapped lips.

Squawk. The calm soothing female voice replied that Alpha team would be with me in just a few more minutes. I felt a blinding rage rise up from my frail frame. I ripped the headset for my ear and stomped on it with my steel toed boots.

“Fuck them”

I didn’t have time. I was almost at the top of the stairs. Looking over my shoulder I saw that the factory below me was alive with activity. Asian women wearing pink plastic had continue to manufacture pharmaceuticals whilst the strange man in the black business suit had sprinted past them and ran up the stainless steel stairs.

I was in the office now. It’s plush leather interior was stereotypical of the East Asian businessman. In front of me a flabby man stared at me with incredulity. His lips opened as if to question my presence in his private office. Thump. I brought the suitcase swinging it connected with his head he stumbled back a few steps. He grunted. I hit again. He was on the floor now cradling himself in the fetal position. I raise the black automatic pistol. Bang. The shop wide missing the man by a few feet.

I screamed at him.

“Tell the people behind me to stop or will blow your brains out” my voice still shook but there was a confidence in my tone the not been there previously.

The briefcase contained the chemical formula for a drug that could potentially make my client millions of dollars. I needed to buy myself some time until I could be extracted from the building. The man at my feet started whimpering. I kicked him my boot connecting with his rib.

“Shut up”

He caught out again this time speaking a language I couldn’t understand. I cocked the pistol again trying to convey that if he was gonna fuck me I would fuck him first.


There. The sound of the helicopter is rotor blade spinning could be heard over the night sky. I kicked the man again in the abdomen. More whimpering. I opened the door to the predestinated pickup zone. Standing in the closet I waited for the sound that would tell me that the explosives had detonated. Spinning. I was on the ground. White. My vision had turned white couldn’t see anything. Boom boom boom. Flash bang? My mind scrambled to make sense what was happening.

A gun barrel pressed itself into my back. How long have been in this disorientated state? Click. I looked up my head still dazed.

A Hispanic man looked quizzically down and what appeared to be a jam in the automatic machine gun of some kind. He had one of his feet resting on the black briefcase. I yanked back. He fell to the ground next to me. I move my hand still grasping the Black automatic pistol. I tried to pointed at him but my hand would respond. The Hispanic man stood up and kicked me in the face.


/r/WritingPrompts Thread