[WP] A social media app is invented that allows individuals in alternate realities to communicate with one another.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ this app has changed my life! I'll write my story to go with my review. Since I'm currently sitting at star labs and I actually have powers. I got the app about a few weeks ago and found Barry Allen on it, so I looked up ways to help Iris on forums and found one then Cisco brought me to their universe and they've used the plan. But I don't think this will show on the CW show since this is an alternate but basically similar universe up to this point.

I got some papers and an ID and even have an apartment here in Central City, I go to Jitters every morning too. I should probably talk about my powers though, well I used the app and got Cisco's help to go to a universe with a device that made me another character that hasn't been shown in the arrowverse yet. I think it's called a MAU, or morphic adaption something... I forgot the last word.

The character I chose was Starfire and I've even went to supergirls universe to team up with her for a day. I've also went into space and flew all the way to Saturn and back, it was scary at first cause of the isolation and darkness but after a while I got used to it. But yeah the app is the cause for my new life and if I could give it more stars like 10 out of 5 I would.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread