[WP] Something you say offhandedly becomes an inspirational quote

"Hindsight's 20/20 but I knew that yesterday."

"Marriage is like sand, it ends up in the worst places." Not bad, but too negative.

"If I had a dollar for every time that I had made her holler, I would only have 50 cents."

No No No. I was way off track. The night was already on its downward slide from the 12 towards morning and I didn't even have single good idea.

Once I got agood idea I would still have to find a Getty image to match it. Then I had to upload it to Imgur, post it to Reddit, bot it to the front page and make the right comments. Even then there were no guarantees.

Sadly this is my job. I am a viral marketer. I don't really know if I'm good at it but my analytics are good or so I've been told so I guess I've got that going for me.

The problem with the internet is you can't just directly market anything. You can't even mention a product directly or the whole plan backfires.

You see the key is to post a joke that vaguely relates to a product, then post a comment or two that reveals the connection to the product and offers a testimonial about how good it is. Then the pleebs on the site think they're getting in on some new product/service they've never heard of and then... bank.

This of course isn't the only way to market a product on a social discussion board but I plan to keep a few secrets, OK?

So tonight's product was a website for cheaters. My job was to post something funny that got people thinking about affairs then post a few comments that drew people to search for my sponsor.

I know it sounds easy but I think if you really thought it out you would realize just how difficult that could be.

So anyways I think about this one a lot. I'm not married so I have to guess at what it would feel like to be trapped in a loveless marriage.

I immediately imagined an animal gnawing its own leg off to escape a trap. How is that funny? If I were an artist I could draw out the scene of a man trapped under the weight of his overweight wife reaching out in desperation for a computer screen. Maybe not a bad idea but I'm not capable of implementing it.

So back to the basics. Maybe I need to do another TIL and post some inane fact about marriage?

"Love is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one will have a cherry." Maybe Forest Gump could sell this shit?

Nope! That's about the beginning of a relationship not the end... hmmmm.

Then it hits me.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread