[WP]"It was a special kind of arrogance..."

I walked to my local coffee shop for another day of writing. I always enjoyed the background noise and busy atmosphere. Occasionally I could take a break and observe other humans around me.

Walking in, I was surprised by how busy it was. I looked over to the table I sat at every day and was absolutely repulsed. Some lady had taken my seat. It was vital that I had this seat. It was located near an electrical outlet for my computer and without it, I wouldn't be able to do my daily activities.

Maneuvering through the crowd was stressful enough. "Why can't people learn how to walk and line up in an orderly fashion" keep repeating in my mind. These people acted as though they had come intentionally to ruin my day.

I had finally made my way towards my seat. I figured this lady would realize she was being rude and move eventually so I took the seat next to her and began to wait.

The line eventually dispersed and I was able to order my coffee while still having a clear view of my seat. This was incredibly important to me because I always leave my computer for a moment or two and like to insure it's safety.

"The usual" I said kindly once reaching the counter.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm new here. What can I grab for you?" The voice was unfamiliar and so I looked up from my phone and realized there was a new barista today. I feared for the accuracy of my order when I saw the 'In Training' label on her name tag.

"Wait, you're new here?" I questioned. I really needed my coffee to be perfect. Not only am I a coffee addict but there's nothing I despise more than paying 5$ for a messed up drink.

"Yes sir! I just got transferred from the another cafe on the other side of town. I just have to finish my probation again." She seemed friendly enough although I couldn't help but feel her smile made her look as if she lacked intelligence.

"Well I'll take an extra hot, no foam, soy, caramel cappuccino with three extra caramel pumps."

"Sure thing. What size?" Ugh, more questions. I feel like I'm taking a survey when I just want my coffee.

"Medium, whatever" I placed my coins on the counter and went to sit back down while I waited.

The lady in my seat still had not moved. She seemed very incompetent. It seemed as though she was doing nothing but staring at the ground. I bet not a single thought was going through her brain. Sometimes it really bothers me how some waste their time.

I focused my attention away from the lady whole stole my seat and focused on writing again. It was only ten minutes later when writers block hit me that I realized I hadn't gotten my coffee yet.

I walked back to the counter and asked the new girl what happened.

"Oh, it's ready! We tried calling you over but you seemed very concentrated on your computer" she handed my drink, still smiling like a complete fool.

I attempted to take a sip but when the cool liquid splashed into my tongue, I felt as though my gag reflex could have been triggered. I did my best to be polite but my patience had worn thin already. I spit the drink on the floor since that's where I felt it belonged.

"This is cold. did you get my order right? Did you listen?" I handed the drink back to her and tried to seem as stern as possible.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir. It must have cooled down while you waited. I'll make you another one."

"No no! Stop! Just please get your coworker to do it. I just want my drink done right." Every moment seemed as though my frustration was intentionally being heightened by those around me. The barista just remained silent and instructed her coworker to make my drink since she was incompetent.

I finally received my cappuccino in what felt like years after ordering it. I turned around and saw the lady who stole my chair still sitting there. I had had enough of this. People where so self entitled, I felt as though I should just go home where at least I'm safe from idiots.

As I began to leave, the lady stood up and left. She must have been toying with me. She must have known that was my seat. I'll be sure to be as rude to her as she has been to me if I ever see her again.

I then went home a retreated to safety, away from all those silly little people.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread