[WP] You start blacking out constantly when drinking, every time you come to, you find a paper written by yourself 100% disproving fundamental theories.

The more I read them, the more they began to make sense. Theories on topics I formerly knew nothing about. The knowledge was coming to me in my darkest hours. Ideas that spit in the face of modern physics. Proofs the disproved decades old theories. They were all wrong. What I had could change the way we thought about the world.The way we interacted with the world. It could revolutionise transportation, medicine, energy, everything could change. I had to show someone.

I drove to Cambridge. To M.I.T. The best and brightest minds in the country. Surely if anyone could understand what I had, they could. They would take one look at what I had and fall to their knees in awe of the brillance. They would hoist me on their shoulders and make statues in my honor. But that’s not what I wanted. I just wanted confirmation that what was happening to me was real. Information was flowing into me, my brain was working on a different level. No. They took one look and scoffed. Some wouldn't even look. I was dismissed over and over again. I thought that maybe the information was too complex to understand. I had to find someone who could understand, someone I could trust. I had to show someone.

I saw Dr. Hoffmanshire as I was leaving. Well, really, he saw me first. I looked up and there he was. His small eyes peering through his glasses, thick beard and corduroy jacket made him look like a stereotypical professor. He said the he was very interested at looking at my theories, and proceeded to pull them out from under my arm. As we sat in my car, he told me that these proofs looked different that anything he had ever seen. He agreed that this would change the world. Dr. Hoffmanshire was with me.

We proceeded to drive to other colleges, universities, lecture halls, coffee shops, anywhere where we could be heard. We were either wholly ignored, or asked to leave. The proofs were getting too complex. Dr. Hoffamnshire was struggling to comprehend the full scope of them; the implications. I still had a grasp on them, but I knew soon the complexity of it all would make them useless to us. Still we drove on. We knew eventually someone would listen to us. Dr. Hoffmanshire was with me.

After a particularly heavy session , I awoke to a scene that I was not used to. Papers strewn about, piles of crumpled first, second and third drafts in a corner, equations stretching across multiple pieces of paper that have been taped together. That was what I had grown accustomed to. Not this time. A single stack of paper, hundreds of pages thick, sat before me. This was it. A Universal Theory. It tied everything together an simple and concise manner. From the smallest quarks the the entire observable universe. It all made sense. I had to show someone. Dr. Hoffmanshire was with me.

As we sat acoss from the panel of Doctors, we could see that they finally understood. We could see the look of shock on their faces as their reality came tumbling around them. Everything that they knew to be true had been wrong, some men’s entire life’s work had just been discredited. Some of those men were at this panel. They wanted to know how it was done. They wanted to see the process. I agreed, with one condition, that Dr. Hoffmanshire was with me. They led us to an observation room. I told them what I needed. They agreed to bring me my supplies as soon as they finish asking me a few more questions. ”How did I come up with these ideas?” I explained that I wake up and that they are there. That I was just as curious about the process as they were. They asked if I thought Dr. Hoffmanshire was the one writing them. Of course not. I was the one who first presented the theories to him. “Is it OK if I ask Dr. Hoffmanshire a few questions?” I thought, “What an odd question to ask me.” “Go ahead,” I replied. The man across from me asked “Is Dr. Hoffmanshire with you?”

/r/WritingPrompts Thread