[WP] You find a strange object in your closet. When you ask your spouse about it they start acting very odd.

Amy was happy with her life. She was in a good place. Good education, good friends, good boyfriend, good apartment. Everything was as it should be, or so she believed. Her boyfriend Alex had finally agreed to move in with her and her roommate Jessica and the three of them got along just fine. Amy and Alex would snuggle up in bed at night and during the day do would have fun. Everything was fine until one day, while looking through some of her older stuff, she found something curious.

She dug through an old box with her high school year books inside trying to find the cord from the top of her graduation cap. She wanted to hang it next to her bedroom mirror. She didn't have a specific reason for it, but after all of that afternoon's reminiscing about high school she wanted to find that one object to display. Perhaps she'd lay it over her diploma.

It wasn't in this box, though, so she reached for the next one. A shoe box. She didn't remember having this shoe box, but then again, you don't always remember the boxes you pack things in. Sometimes you forget. She opened it and inside found a camcorder. She was puzzled. She didn't own a camcorder and neither did Alex, did he? Had he forgot? He'd said he didn't own one.

She stood up, camcorder in hand, and turned it on. She was surprised to see it turn on, who knows how long it had been in that box. The camera displayed the date and time:


3:57 pm

She checked the camera to find that it had a tape already loaded in it, so she rewound it and tried to play it. Nothing happened. The tape wouldn't play. She checked the box but found no tapes inside. She rewound the tape again, thinking it was blank, and started to record.

Amy walked around the apartment, filming things that caught her interest. Generally playing with the camera. She was making her way to Alex, with fun thoughts in her head, but taking her time. She caught herself on the camera a few times and then finally came to find Alex sitting on the couch with his laptop.

"So when did this happen?" She asked teasingly.

"When did what happen?" Alex asked, not looking away from his computer screen.

"When did we get a camera?" Amy asked her boyfriend curious, still filming him. He didn't respond, drawn in by whatever he was looking at on his computer. Maybe he hadn't heard her. Maybe he just didn't care. "Alex, come on." She prodded him verbally.

Alex finally looked over at her as he said, "We don't have a camera." His face went blank as he saw what she was holding. Saw that she was filming him.

"Yes we do." She responded in a melodic way.

Alex's tone was serious as he asked, "Where did you find that?"

Amy became a little suspicious of him now, he was acting strange. He had a strange look on his face. "It was in the closet," she told him, "There's a tape already in it, but when I tried to watch it it was messed up or something. I don't know."

Alex seemed to tense up at her words, and when he spoke he seemed to be trying to act calmer than he really was, "Um, that's probably just my old camera from college. I probably stuck it back in there when we moved. I was just going to sell it." He turned back to his computer, but he wasn't paying attention to it anymore.

"But I thought we didn't have a camera." Amy said in an annoyed manner. Something was going on here and it bothered her.

"Look," Alex said defensively, "It doesn't matter. I'm going to sell it." He turned towards his computer screen again, "Just, please, put it back and stop recording."

Amy sighed and pretended to turn off the camera's recording mode. "Fine, I'm not recording anymore." She lied.

Alex looked at her and scowled, "I can still see the light."

That was it. Amy wanted answers. "Are you okay Alex?" She asked concerned about her boyfriend.

"I'm fine." He said, "just put it back. Please."

"You're in a really odd mood right now." She voiced her worry. He didn't respond to her, though. "Fine." she said when he didn't acknowledge her. She turned to head back down the hall when she saw him. Standing at the end of the hallway was a tall man in a suit, and he didn't appear to have a face...


I am ashamed of NOTHING.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread