[WP] There is a deep hole just outside your village. The elders pick one person to dive in every year, 'for the good of the tribe', never to be seen again. The elders have just chosen you. You're expected to jump tonight.

As a child I never feared the hole.

I was the only one like this, all the other children feared it, they would talk about their nightmares of falling in or being chosen to go. I could never understand their fear, the hole felt right.

I have a vague memory of a dream, I remember my parents telling me not to go in, I didn't listen. I let the darkness it emitted envelope me, I was changing, my bones cracked and grew thicker, my skin darkened my legs lengthened. I could see better in the dark. I felt strong. I felt right. I woke up.

When I told my parents about my dream they looked scared. But I didn't care, I liked it, I wanted to be around it.

I think I always knew I was different from the others in my village, maybe that's why I never got along with the other children. I didn't have any friends ever. I didn't care much for my parents either. They where mildly entertaining, but they never caught my interest much like the hole did.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread