[WP]"There is nothing wrong"

Tell the doctor there is nothing wrong. Thank him for stitching up my arms though. Oh it's protocol to admit me after so serious an attempt? You need me to take off my uniform and put on these standard hospital pajamas and socks? I don't see anything wrong with that. We are going upstairs now? Oh I can walk, I don't need the wheelchair. Oh it's protocol? Oh I suppose there isn't anything wrong with that. Hello psych ward, what a fitting place to end everything. How did I get in here? I don't know. There is nothing wrong. But wait there IS something wrong. I am still alive. Problems need solutions. Find one. Oh of course nurse, this room is great thank you so much. There is nothing wrong with it as far as I can see. I will see you in the morning. Alone at last. Have enough time in between a nurse coming by to do what needs to be done, what you failed to do earlier today you idiot. How funny it is isn't it? That something so obvious can be overlooked isn't it? But then again, this place is for people who use attempts and the like for attention, not because they GENUINELY want to die so they would never have protocol changed. Maybe they will after I do this. I suppose I may have some sort of lasting legacy after all. I take my glasses off as I chuckle. "Glasses". Glass is right in the name you morons. What is glass to a truly suicidal person? Fools. I applaud your stupidity though, for I will get what I want. I pop out the lens, and crack it, creating a jagged sharp edge. Slice slice goes the glass as the arm stitches are the first to get slashed, as I continue up the arms ending on the arteries on the wrists, what I wasn't able to get to before I was stopped earlier. Getting light headed, I smiled faintly as my blood dripped down around me. I laugh as for some reason I am reminded of a song from Bambi. "Drip, drip, drop Little April shower Beating a tune As you fall all around Drip, drip, drop Little April shower What can compare To your beautiful sound". I hummed the tune giddily with a soft smile on my lips. What COULD compare to that beautiful sound. Drip, drip drop. Drifting away now. Drip, drip drop. Getting dark. Drip drip drop. Finally, for the first and last time in my living life, there is nothing wrong.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread