[WP] Vampires are not the bloodthirsty monsters people believe them to be. For millennia their bite has been one of inoculation against the worst plagues and infections of history, humanity's greatest disease outbreaks coinciding with periods we had hunted them to near extinction.

Writing prompt:

Reddit username: jiffy14 and password is fiona1103

I've been walking for days. Most of the world is dead. A new strain of flue the catus flu or the cat flu. Yup that's what got us domesticated cats. I always hated those little fluff balls they were always creeping up on me and scaring the crap outta me. We are some of the last survivors - a few that seemed to be immune to the flu. We've been forced to live like those we hunt - forced to live our lives in the moonlight. They've been rounding up anyone young and not sick and sending them somewhere. They say it's somewhere safe a place to protect us from the flu or from the rioters. There is no government anymore just the military they were somehow prepared for this flu. I've read enough conspiracy theory and science fiction novels to know that wherever the military is sending the young it's not good. So some of us had this idea - if we could find the one that made us immune or one like her we could make more immune. Like my kid sister she's only 7 and she has a bad cold right now - that's how it starts - just a bad cold that lingers for months just getting a little bit worse until the end and the. You can breathe, your lungs fill with fluid and you drown in moments. It's pretty horrific it happened to my Mom first and then my dad - I don't like to talk about it. I don't want that for my sister so I'm out looking for her. She found me and I know she's real just like she found Chloe and Ray. I thought I was crazy at first - I remembered a woman - beautiful she said she'd help me. It was a dream she said she just had to give me a kiss on the neck and it would only hurt for a second. I'm not into other girls but when she said that it made so much sense. I figured it's just a dream and she was beautiful so I went with it and then she bit me. I woke up screaming and that woman the one from my dream was in my room. I looked at her shocked face and just kept screaming and between one blink and the next she was gone. it was right after mom died and I was so scared I had started to come down with a cold so when I saw that woman and the two little pin pricks on my neck I kinda lost it. But it's funny after that dream or visit - whatever it was I started to feel better and better. I'm not sick and haven't even had the sniffles since that day. So you see she can help Raina so We have to find her she has to make Raina better. word is the slayers are sweeping through closer to were we've been hiding and I gotta move Raina and the others but we can't right now not when she's sick - if you have someone with even a hint of a cold the slayers don't bother to swab and check you they just kill you on sight. Gotta stop the spread of the disease and all. Creepy and horrific if you ask me, but I'm just a kid and no one ever does. Word is a woman has been hanging around the camps at night no one ever really sees her, but people around her haven't been getting sick as much and fewer are dying. It has to be her and I will do anything to find her.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread