[WP] You wake up in an empty hospital with an envelope taped to your chest, you read the letter inside. "If you're reading this, that means you have awoken. Inside the envelope is a syringe with a small dose of a chemical that will kill you in seconds without pain, use it. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE."

I wake up and I don't understand. I am in a small, square room. Everything is white. The walls, floor, lights, bed, and even my clothes are white. It is dreamlike. I can't remember who I am or why I am here. Nothing is familiar, but everything is safe. The room is confusing though. Sometimes I would look away and the room would slightly change as if I hadn't fully understood it the first time. I had never seen this place before, but I knew it was a hospital. In the bed, I noticed a black envelope lying next to me. I pick it up and inspect the thing. Making sure no one was around, I decide to open it. All it says, in large black letters is "If you're reading this, that means you have awoken. Inside the envelope is a syringe with a small dose of a chemical that will kill you in seconds without pain, use it. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE."

I don't understand. The room is safe, I want to stay inside. Why would I even go outside? I check inside the package and sure enough, their is a syringe with a meager amount of yellow liquid. Suddenly, a young nurse barges in through the door. I hide the envelope, not knowing whether she is friend or foe. She makes some adjustments to my bed as I just sit there confused. She goes around the room and fiddles with some stuff that I don't understand. Last I checked, the room was mostly empty except for the bed. I close my eyes and she does her job. She begins to leave, but turns to me and quietly says "any day now" and walks out. As she opens the door, I see a bright light coming from the other end, but it quickly shuts, shielding my view.

I look at the letter again. "DO NOT GO OUTSIDE." But why? The room feels so comfortable, yet I am a curious natured person, I think. I decide to get up and look around. I lean my legs to the left side of the bed and stand up. I look at the wall where there is a mirror. Huh, I had not noticed that was there before. I carry with me the envelope and look in the mirror. To my horror and surprise, my face has a few red lashes and scars. I have stitches running down my neck and other cuts along my body. I do not feel pained nor relieved at my condition. The room is soft and I feel comforted. Should I go outside? I wonder. What is out there? Should I be afraid? What happened to me? I look at the letter once again. Suddenly I hear voices. They are familiar, but I am not sure of who they are. Outside the door, I hear something. A woman's voice says "Is there hope?" to which a man replies "I think it's time to pull the plug." Crying, lots of crying. I want to help them. I look at the letter a third time and throw it on the ground. I open the door and a bright flash of light blinds my vision.

I wake up and I understand.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread