[WP] You wake up to find the Angel of Death sat at the foot of your bed. He tells you that you were due to die today, but he'll spare you if you agree to cover for him so he can go to a festival for the weekend. He says there's going to be an appraisal on Monday.

"So what do you say, will you do it?" Uriel asks me in his quiet, multi-tonal voice.

I lay quietly for a moment. I glance at my cell phone on my bedside table on which I was browsing Reddit the night before.

"No. I'm not interested. I'm ready to go." I reply confidently.

"In fact, if I could just die now instead of later today, that'd be great, plus it will save you making a trip back. You'll have more time to ask the next guy."

Several emotions play across the angel's face in quick succession: confusion, amusement and finally settling on concern.

"I have got to stop asking internet people to cover for me. Let me guess: 2meirl4meirl?" He asks, already knowing the answer.

Excitedly, deliberately, I reach out and take his hand and place it over my heart.

"Please, can we go now? I can't stand another minute of this place. I'll answer all of your questions on the ride up - or down. I don't care where I'm going as long as it's not here."

I feel a slight pain in my chest, and as the world fades into blackness for the last time, I have a smile on my face as I think what a great meme I could turn this into.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread