[WP] You wake up from a coma, and you are in your favorite 2-D game.

And then the car hit me, the last thing I saw was my girlfriend crying over my body, then, total blackout.

Sudently I woke up in a hospital room, but.... Where Am I? Everything seems to be pixelated .... I'm alone here, Where is my girlfriend? my dad? my mum? Where are my friends?, I think that they don't know that I'm wake up... yeah, that should be, I'm sure that everything I see should be an effect of some drug or maybe it's because the accident ...

I'm going to press this button that says Dr. , everyone must know that I woke up!

The door opens, and a man in a white coat,

Dr:It's A me! Mario Your Doctor! Me:Who?! Is this a kind of joke? Dr: You've been on coma for a year Me: Where is my family? why everything I see it's pixelated? Dr: Oh I see, you must have had a dream in your coma! take this pills Me: What? No, no, You're wrong, got hit by a car, and then my girlfri... Dr: Sir, your relatives..., you were in coma because you got hit by a barrel.... three times! Me: But... Dr: Take this pills. Me: Ok, that's really weird! *Takes pills and fall asleep * Dr: Aww Luigi, you will get well... I promise you that that ape Is going to pay for this!

This is my first prompt, English isn't my first language, and (mostly) I learned from reddit.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread