[WP] The world is the same except eating a human brain gives you all the knowledge and memories of that person.

The night was covered with a blanket of darkness and rendered the moon to be bright. The moon was full as Jamie walks away from StoneCraft to his home, a few blocks away from his workplace.

Jamie's eyes carry bags underneath them. Eyebrows furrow and teeth are clenched as he leaves his office like every other day.

Earlier that day, Eunice mentioned how he should stop being down all the time and be a man.

"You need to suck it up, and get your shit done," said Eunice in a condescending tone.

Jamie looked at her, his eyes locked on her face like a target he can't miss. Jaws of Jamie were clenched so tight that in that moment he felt that his teeth could rip through skin or steel.

Eunice furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Jamie condescendingly and said, "get it done!"

A sharp blade was always in Jamie's pocket. He always has his hand in his pocket that stores that cruel pieces of steel. When he didn't own a knife in the past, by an unfortunate chance encounter he was robbed, and almost beaten to death on the same street he finds himself tonight. After that night, he made sure that the edge of his knife will bring sorrow to the families of whoever tries to hurt him in the dead of night.

Tragedy would not have fallen to Eunice if she did not stay late at work that night and instead decided to take her work home. That night was a night that Jamie forgot his charger in the office, and decided to walk back where he just came from.

"So you've finally decided to come back and actually do some work. Instead of wasting everyone's time," said Eunice in a sardonic tone.

"Fuck off you, you stupid bitch"-he threw his finger pointing at her-"go kill yourself"

"Nobody needs you, you're ju—"

"I'm gonna' kill you"-he pulled his knife away from her body-"You're gonna die"

Eunice looked at her belly, her fingers tightly touching where the knife has left. Blood washed her fingers red, her dress drank the color of blood. Her eyes met Jamie, with shock and disbelief.

In a blink of an eye, he placed his knee up and forced all his weight down his heel. A cracking sound engulfed the room. His knife poked through what remained of her intact skull. He pulled his knife close to his face, with a slice of human remain was hanging towards the edge of the blade.

The taste of fish roe was the first thing that came to mind when he placed it in his mouth. Vomit came flying outside his lips. After the first pass, he began to vomit again.

A fog of memories came rising up in his mind. The fog began to clear and the memories became vivid, but it was not Jamie's memories. It was of someone else. He knew that there was something that had gone terribly wrong. He suddenly thought of the knife and realized that it is his head that tries to hurt him in this dead of night.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread