[WP] In a world where people can actually die of embarrassment you are its greatest assassin.

"In a world where people can actually die of embarrassment, you are its greatest assassin.”

Mama always told me to avoid the ghetto. It wasn’t my first time coming to this side of town, but my target lived in the area. I was hired to avenge the death of a teenaged boy who got caught wearing knockoff Jordans at a bus stop. Kid didn’t see it coming. The killer was beginning to earn himself a reputation, as the boy was one of many victims that were murdered based solely on their style. I look down at my own outfit, wishing I hadn’t decided to wear my comfy Birkenstocks, broken-in high water bell bottom jeans, and midriff-ed StrippeRock tee. I take out my phone, going over the target description one more time.

Target Name: Kevin “Chocolate Sprinkle” Hard Age: 35 Height: 5’5 Weight: 280 lbs Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black

Must be one tough son of a gun if he can have a nickname like that and still be feared. My eyes skim the details before I pull up Facebook and just do a quick search. There he is. Poor guy has his location on and he’s only a few miles away. I hop in my car, throw on an overcoat to cover up my outfit, pull out of the dollar store parking lot, and make my way over. I get nearer to Chocolate Sprinkle’s location and notice that I’m pulling up to a high school. The thought never crossed my mind Chocolate worked at a school. He didn’t have it listed on his Facebook, so I just assumed he didn’t have a job. I checked my watch and figured I had about an hour to kill before school gets out. I parked in the staff parking lot, watching videos of cats knocking stuff over to pass the time. A half hour later, I hear a few taps on my window.. “BOI WHAT IS YOU WEARING? AYY, THIS MUH FUGGA SITTIN’ IN THE PARKING LOT WIT A TRENCHCOAT, SOMEONE COME GET THIS MAN”. Oh God, the embarrassment is beginning to strike. I could feel the blood rising to my face, pulling me away from this mortal coil. “Not like this…” I think to myself, wondering how the hell I was going to explain to my ancestors that I died from camping at a high school wearing a trench coat. I hurriedly remove my coat, showing the person outside of my car that I was no pervert. Instinctively, the person looked away, covering their eyes. “Just look at me real quick, I swear I’m not wearing anything wr-“

And just like that, it was over. As my soul left my body, I could only think one thing: “High school’s brutal a’f."

My first time writing a story, so please leave some feedback on what I could improve (like all of it).

/r/WritingPrompts Thread