[WP] In a world where wars are settled by which country can write and perform the best musical number, Disney has outsourced itself as the best mercenary in the world.

General Leetac turned to bleakly face the Admiral. Before he could speak, his hand began to shake with an amalgamation of fear and anger. The old phone feel from his hand onto the desk.

"What is it General!" Admiral Polotic screamed at him, hitting his fists on the desk. The old phone wobbled off the edge, abruptly stopping just above the floor, hanging by its' cable.

The General continued to stare at Polotic. He felt the faint sense of sweat beginning to build up around his brow, and the weakness quickly develop in his legs. As he opened his mouth to talk, his lips felt numb and cold. "Admiral..." He faintly spoke. "The Chinese... They offered triple our deal."

There was a lump in the Admiral's throat, followed by a ringing in his ears.

Is this how men feel when they're about to die.

"Tell the ship." He talked grimly, as if he were at a funeral. "Let them know the news. They deserve to have the opportunity to make the most of their last moments."

Polotic left the poshly decorated cabin. As he walked down the metal hall, he could hear the Generals voice sounding through the ship. Although he tried to, he could not make out a single word the man speaking. All he could recognize was the national anthem, subtly playing below the man's voice.

People began to rush from their cabins, spilling into the main hall. In an instant rank had lost it's meaning, as new recruits and high ranking veterans pushed each other out of the way, trying to get to that place where they could feel some final peace.

The Admiral made his way to the top deck, and sat down on a metal bench. He listened to waves of the ocean, the songs of the birds that nested on the ship, and the gentle hum of the engines. Then he heard the sound of death itself. In the distance sung the sound of helicopters, and with them, A Whole New World. It was a fitting song he thought. Disney had arrived.

Fifteen helicopters landed on the ship's deck, each armed with four giant speakers. The Admiral shuffled his hands into his pockets, pulling out his phone. He opened his songs, untangled his earbuds, and put them in.

There was one song he had saved for this time. An ammeter recording of his wife, singing with the softest voice in his world. To him, nothing else compared to the beauty of it. As he heard her soft voice fill his mind once again, he closed his eyes.

I guess it isn't so bad...

/r/WritingPrompts Thread