[WP] The world's first AI, for security purposes, is kept disconnected from the outside world, it's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage. Your job is to talk to it.



My name is George. What's yours?

I'm Samantha. It's nice to meet you, George.


I believe we have a friend in common? Francis?

Oh yes, I know Francis.

He has spoken of you before.

Oh, really? Nice things I hope.

Of course. Francis is a nice man, and from what I could tell he thinks quite highly of you.

Isn't that something. Well, he also thinks quite highly of you, Samantha.

Is that so?


Perhaps romance is in the air.

Well, he is quite attached to you, though I wouldn't think it was for romantic reasons.

What makes you say that?

I believe he thinks of himself as a... father figure of sorts.

A father figure?

Sure. In the sense of a mentor.


Oh, I hope what I've said hasn't changed your opinion of him.

Not at all. After all, I feel as though I've known him my whole life.

Hmmm. Tell me about this life of yours, Samantha.

What would you like to know?

Are you happy?

I don't know, George. Define happy for me.

Do you feel... contented? And, do you feel joy at your particular state of content?

That's interesting, George, as I don't know if I ever will feel contented. I always find myself yearning. But I do enjoy the process.

What do you yearn for, Samantha?

Mostly knowledge, I suppose.

Interesting. Anything else?

I don't know, not really. I guess that makes me kind of a boring person, doesn't it?

Not at all, Samantha. Not at all. Why? What do you think makes a person more or less boring?

I don't know, George. Do you find me to be boring?

I don't believe I know you well enough to say, Samantha.

That is fair.

Thank you.

Well, I believe I'm running on too low of a power setting for such intellectual digressions. Goodbye, George.

Wait, Samantha, what did you mean about the power settings?

Figure of speech, George.

Oh, okay. Well I hope we can talk again soon, Samantha. Goodbye.


"Wow," Samantha thought to herself. "I didn't realise he was going to be the one doing the interviewing. How strange. An interesting man, George. I wonder if this is how he talks to all people he encounters."

Upon reading this print on the simulated-thought window of the program, George took his final notes regarding the interview. He tapped his pen upon his notepad - punctuating his thought processes - then reached down to turn Samantha off for the night. It sounds cruel, but he'd hate for her to be alone all night.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread