[WP] Write an exert from the book you haven't written yet

As David and his two friends searched the cabin of the Embraer jet plane, he was gradually reaching the back of the plane. He wasn't just looking for people, he was searching the unlit cabin for any proof people had been on board. Any evidence at all no matter how small. A candy wrapper. A scrap piece of paper. Even a tiny crumb of food to give evidence to say "Someone was here". On the floor David did find something, and despite being so small and insignificant, it couldn't have possibly been more out of place. Carefully David got closer to it to make sure he wasn't seeing things. A single blade of grass was growing out of the floor. Only six inches high, it was green at the base and golden up top, like field grass. Bending down low to get a better look, Maxxie and Richard also shined their lights steadily on the floor. Right on his hands and knees David got up close. "It seems to be growing right out of the carpet."
A noise of something running came from the tail of the plane. Maxxie and Richard raised their flashlights only catching a shadow of something moving in a blur. The back of the plane was filled with tall blades of grass growing up out of the seats and everywhere. How they didn't notice this when they first entered the plane, David had no idea. Then the running sound went right past them. Richard tried to catch it with his light but it was too fast. It was so close they actually felt the floor shake. As Richard followed the sound with his light it revealed even more blades of grass, including places they already searched and there was no grass before.
The running noise got louder and closer. Richard tried to follow it in a panic. He struck Maxxie in the face with his swinging flashlight. Maxxie was knocked to the floor and dropped his own torch. "Damn clumsy-assed farmer's boy!" Maxxie cursed.
"Sorry!" said Richard.
David was up and was frantically pointing his flashlight all over. The more he pointed the flashlight around, the less of the plane he could see. More running noises appeared. It was like they were standing in the middle of a field, and they were being surrounded. The grass could be seen moving as though something as big as a person was going through it at a near impossible speed.
"What the hell is going on?" David asked.
Then Maxxie grabbed David's flashlight and shoved it to the floor.
"Don't look at it!" said Maxxie.
"What?" "Looking at it makes it worse, close your eyes!" Maxxie demanded.
"But there's something out there," said Richard. Maxxie reached out and slapped down Richard's flashlight.
"You too, farmer's boy, eyes down! Now!" said Maxxie.
With the sound of whatever was surrounding them getting worse, David obeyed and closed his eyes. "Put your had out in front of you, what do you feel?" asked Maxxie David put his hand out, and right in front of him he felt the armrest of a chair.
"The cabin seats," said David. "What do you not feel?" asked Maxxie David stuck his hand out to where the aisle should be next to the seat and waved it around. Then put his hand on the floor and felt around.
"The grass, I can't feel it," said David. "That's because it's not there, we're still in the airplane," said Maxxie, "Something is causing this. We have to make our way back to the front of the plane." "But there's something out there!" said Richard.
"There's nothing out there. We're in here. We're inside an airplane cabin. There's no room to be running around in here. Put your hands on the seats and feel your way back to the front of the plane. And keep your eyes closed!"
Awkwardly they made their way as the running noises closed in around them. It was getting so close they could feel the thump-thump reverberating through the cabin. Just as it was on top of them, there was a terrible alien-sounding scream. Maxxie fell to the floor causing all of them to trip. Then they got up and opened their eyes. They had made their way back to the open cabin door. It looked exactly as it had when they first entered. David shined his light back down the length of the plane to the very back. It looked perfectly normal. The grass was gone, and so was the noise. "What the hell was that?" Richard asked.
"Whatever it is, it has a proximity. It only effects you if you head for the tail," said Maxxie. "But what could do that?" asked David.
"Do you think that's where the passengers went?" asked Richard.
"I hope not, good luck getting them back," said Maxxie. "Maybe those things that were surrounding us got them," said Richard, "Dragged them away and ate them all up." David thought for a moment and said, "If eighty people got eaten up in that field we saw we would have seen some evidence. There would have been blood all over the grass. Gutts everywhere."
Maxxie joined in ,"We didn't see any evidence of anything missing from this plane in that field. No luggage. No pillows or carry-ons. Where those people and everything else went they wound up somewhere else. Let's hope somewhere a little nicer than where ever the hell we went." "But what could be doing this?" asked Richard.
Maxxie leaned up against the entrance door and sighed, looking out into the night sky and the strange overcast still with them.
"I've got an idea but this is going to sound more than a little weird," said Maxxie.
"More than a little weird is all we've had all day," said David, "Sock it to us." Maxxie let out a heavy sigh and started explaining. "Alright. We're in some kind of space were time has become fractured. Our space time is bleeding into other realities causing things from our reality to disappear. But other realities are also bleeding into our space time, causing things to appear here." David and Richard had to pause for a moment to have a chance to take all of that in. "That's a hell of a theory. How did you come up with that?" asked David. "Oh, simple observation of what's been going on. Unexplainable blips on the radar. Planes disappearing. A plane from the forties suddenly appearing. Just reasonable deduction," said Maxxie, "By the way, there's a dinosaur flying around the control tower."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread