[WP] You and your friends are all superheroes. All of your superhero names are based on songs from your favorite album.

Protecting the kids was my job. So I did what I do best. I ran. I ran as fast I could, getting the children out of the line of fire.
"What kinda sick fuck attacks a School?" I heard Joey scream in the chaos. I always envied how brave he was. Even after the accident.
"It's the Metal Militia" Erinn said.
The Metal Militia are a bunch of punk kids. Attacking a kindergarten isn't their MO. I thought.
I ran back into the burning building, scouting the area for any more survivors. I was certain, at the time, that I had gotten to all the children, but there were bound to be faculty members around.
"FREEWHEEL!" - I heard Erinn's voice, calling out to me on the intercom. "We're having trouble in the front...need help."
"Sorry, Lovebite, bit busy." I answered, running around the kindergarten.
"Hurry up. We're getting crushed. Jawbreaker is down!" - Erinn said, closing the line.
Shit. They're in trouble. I thought, kicking up my boosters. I ran as fast as I could in a closed space, getting out as many people as I could.
"Thank you Freewheel!" The last of the survivors said, through tears.
"You're welcome!" I said, and dashed off, to join my friends.
Freddy was down, ironically, his jaw broken. Orion was standing on him, crushing his shoulder with his feet. Erinn and Joey were obviously at their limit. Erinn's costume was torn and blood-stained, and Joey's cybernetic upgrades were over-heating, clearly at their limit. Shit! I dashed towards Orion, my boosters releasing a stream of searing hot flames. I ran faster than I probably should have. At that speed, I ran into Orion, smashing into his guts. I put all the air out of his lungs and crushed a few of his bones. A bit brutal, but that's how it has to be in this business.
"Sentinel, Lovebite..." I shouted. "...get Jawbreaker and get the civilians to safety! I'll hold the Metal Militia off for a while." I picked Freddy up and dashed away, leaving him with the other survivors, before dashing back to the battle field. Joey and Erinn were already running towards the survivors.
"You sure talk big!" Battery scowled at me, her electricity enveloping her body.
"Yeah well...We'll see." I said, my engines at full-ignition, I dashed towards the enemy, ready to do what Heroes do best.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread