[WP] Your obsession with marbles has grown to an unhealthy state.

“My Marbles!  You can’t have them! PLEASE NO, OH GOD!
He ripped the marbles from the old man.  What a pathetic excuse for a Cosma.  Old tattered robes, unkempt beard, yellow teeth.  The old man disgusted him.   *“I ought to rip his throat out just for making me waste my time prying these marbles out of his hand,”* he thought.  *“Better to end his pathetic existence here than to leave him without his marbles anyway.”*
With one flick of his wrist, Martin sent 10 Marbles at the man’s chest faster than a gunshot.  The man’s face lit up in surprise.  He tried for air but choked on his own blood.  Reaching to his chest with one hand, he slowly slumped over towards Martin.  With his other shaking hand he reached for his bag of Marbles. Blood dripped from his mouth as he tried to beg, to no avail.  
Martin shoved the man’s hand away in disgust, and called his Marbles back to him.  Rays from the sun were just beginning to come over the sides of the parking garage.  Light glinted from his marbles as they began to fly back to him, crimson dripping from them as they flew through the air.
 Martin turned around and began to leave, his marbles obediently in tow.  As he walked away, Martin began to open the man’s bag.  *“Let’s see what the old fuck was working with...  hope he had a blue or two.”*
Martin emptied the contents of the bag into his hand, one at a time. *“Red, yellow, yellow, green, green, red, and of course the old man would have silver, damned fool!  Orange, orange, brown and…”*  Martin dropped the bag, forgetting about the rest of the marbles.  *“It can’t be”,* he thought.
Martin turned the last marble he had emptied over in his hand.  He brought it closer to his face as he gazed in disbelief.  *“It’s a fucking clear!” *
Martin couldn’t believe his luck.  And here he’d thought the old man would just have a few blues.  *“What on earth would he have been doing with this?”* he thought.  *“And where the hell did he get it?”*
After turning it a few more times to be sure it wasn’t a trick of the light, Martin stretched out his fingers with his palm to the sky.  The Marble began to hover a few inches above his palm.  *“Alright”* he thought, *“let’s see if this thing really works.”*
Martin cleared his mind, closed his eyes, and stepped into *Ggnosis*. The world melted away and he was met with void.  All thoughts gone from him.  Focusing on just one thing, with all of his being he thought, felt, heard, tasted, and was, himself, Orange.  Focusing all of this energy to his palm, Martin opened his eyes.  *“Jesus H. Christ”* he thought.
In his palm, the clear marble began to fill with orange smoke, until the marble was filled, and the shell became glossy orange.  He tilted his wrist and moved his thumb, sending the marble to hover a foot from his chest.  Reaching out with both hands, he formed a triangle around the marble, and again stepped into *Gnosis*. With all his focus, he pictured a ball of flame shooting out from the marble.
He couldn’t believe it.  A ball of what looked like flaming lava shot from the marble. *“My god! This means everything!”* he thought.  He quickly grabbed the marble and noticed the gloss fade and the smoke begin to clear.  
Leaving the bag and other marbles at his feet, Martin began to jog out of the parking garage. Now that he had the advantage, it was time to show the Sev he could back up his threats.  *“They have no chance at all now”* he thought as a grin broke out across his face.
/r/WritingPrompts Thread