[WP] In your old world, people would tell you that "Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," but here, well, words have the ability to bruise your flesh, cut your skin, break your bones, and even shatter your mind.

A woman stood at an old oak door, her hands tightly pushing into her pockets. Her heart beat out of her chest. She was really doing this.

She entered. The room was small, and sunbeams which captured the path of lazily drifting dust illuminated a desk that was crammed into a corner.

A man sat behind the desk. He wore very little. A gleaming leather collar dug into his neck. His chest was bare. His desk had a glass top. The woman could see straight through. As she approached, she noticed the only other articles of clothing he wore were leather shorts and a chain around his ankle.

The chain didn't look heavy. The man could shift his foot with ease, and it wasn't attached to anything.

He smiled as the woman walked closer.

She held up her hands and began to sign 'I'm here to see the-'

"Oh, come in love. Do you have an appointment?"The girl felt a silky sensation on her hand, like a scarf had been wrapped around her palm. The sensation pulled her forward.

The woman followed the feeling, taking quick steps. Her heart began to beat faster, she couldn't help but smile.

What had she gotten herself into?

Like most law abiding citizens, she wasn't used to hearing actual words in person. Not from a stranger at least. It just wasn't right.

"I have a" He checked his laptop "...Linda Ellen. 3 o clock. That you dearie?"

She, Linda, felt a warm glow around her, like she was lounging in a warm bath.

"Th..." She swallowed her nerves "That's me."

"Yes." The man tutted. "The" His eyes darted playfully, and he held up his hands, signing one letter at a time and mouthing them in a low whisper. 'M I S T R E S S' With each mouthed letter, a pleasant chill went down Linda's spine, and her nerves came alive with a buzzing energy. "will see you." the man whispered.

Linda nodded.

The man held his hand toward a small black door in the corner of the room.

'Go on in.' He signed. 'She'll be with you soon. Have a seat.'

Forcing confidence, Linda walked to the door. She opened it. She entered a near empty room. The walls and floor were white, but the glowed a deep purple from black light. There was only a chair facing away from the door.

Linda sat in it.

There was a blindfold. It lied on the floor. Linda didn't dare touch it.

This could be the best night of her life. She was so fed up with the dull slap of "bitch" and "whore" her girlfriend muttered in the bedroom. This had been her birthday present. A dominatrix. One who was renowned for her wordplay.

She heard the door open. She turned her head and saw a tall, slender woman with long red hair and massive tits which were dusted with glitter and popped out of her leather pushup bra.

The Mistress walked to Linda, giving her a devious smile.

Then, in a soft voice, she said "What are doing in my chair?"

Linda felt a pressure on her shoulders. She felt an airiness in her head. She felt something like a ghostly caress along her neck. Without telling her body to do so, she slunk to the floor. Finding her place next to the exciting object.

The Mistress sat in her chair, her long legs now on either side of the woman.

"Sight will make this cheap." The ghost sensation of warm soft hands covering Linda's eyes make her gasp. She had never meant anyone with so much oral accuracy. "Put it on." Her head was gently pushed towards the fold. Linda couldn't tell if the words had done that, or if the Mistress had used her hands.

Linda put the blindfold on. Now, any sensations would almost burn with the lack of sight.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread