[WP] Your significant other is possessed by a demon. Soon after; you realize you love the demon and not your SO anymore and it's actually mutual. Now the exorcist has arrived.

As often was the case I was the one going out to get breakfast. We weren’t really about planning ahead or keeping a full fridge. If you saw the insides of our kitchen, it’d look like we were ready to flee, to skip town and never look back. But we weren’t, all but that, in fact, we had settled here and we were happy.

Had I woken up just moments later that morning, that might have still been the case, I would have gotten out of the house at a later time and the events would have never taken place. At that time at least, because one thing was clear; this was bound to happen some day.

I met her 3 years ago. Meeting her was one of the best experiences of my life. And not in the way people normally mean it, I'm not talking about the lasting positive effect our relationship has had on my life, I'm talking about the moment. That moment. The moment I met her. I think it was so great because of the way my stomach felt. You know the way your stomach feels when the adrenaline kicks in? It was like that, but not exactly. It was more like adrenaline loaded with a weight I had never felt, it was paralyzing.

So, I'm trying to write more(although for me this is a foreign language), but iti's really late, and im really tired, and ill maybe continue. Id like some feedback if im finished, or right now, also okay with that. Nice prompt, I know where im going with this, i just dont have the frame of mind to really write it out coherently, im going a litte of prompt tho.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread