[WP] You and your wife are in bed, in a sleepy conversation, about to drift off when she unexpectedly receives a message on her cell phone. It's from you.

Harry came home from work at 5 a.m., he had been working a long shift. His eyes were staring low to the floor as he walked into the bedroom and undressed. Mary had been awake since 4 with stomach pains, and had begun to drift back to sleep when her husband had walked in. She thought he would curl back up next to her as he always did, but he just sat there staring at the floor.

"I am tired," Mary whispered. After a moment, "I am too," barely more than muttered. "... You don't want to talk?" "... yeah." "... what happened?" "What?" "What happened?" "What are you talking about?" "You know exactly what I am talking about." "I don't understand." "Yes you do." "Mary, no I don't." "You have been very quiet tonight." "Isn't that what we are doing right now?" "It's not the same, you were all romantic and cheesy the other night." "I know." "But you won't tell me why you aren't acting like that now?" "I know." "Stop saying you know and talk to me." "OK, well how has your day been?" "Stop." "I'm sorry." "Just talk to me." "What do you want to talk ab-" "Stop, don't be a jerk." "... I am sorry." "Stop saying that too." "..." "We have been married long enough for me to know something happened today-." "I don't want to talk about it." "Will you at least tell me why you don't want to talk about it?" "... No." "... OK."

Harry then got up and in went into the hall, and Mary heard the bathroom door being shut. She would have slapped her husband, but something was very different about him. The pain in her chest was far worse than the pain in her stomach now. She could taste the salt from her tears as she sat there silently in the darkness. It was now 5:24.

Harry walked back through the door, Mary was almost asleep again. She didn't talk to him. He got into bed. She didn't talk to him. He was quiet. She didn't disturb him. Just as the silence was reaching its peak, the phone went off. Mary looked over and grabbed the phone. It was from Harry.

Now she saw it. The tears running down his face. His weakening eyes. The trembling of his hands. The pain he was going through. She was still upset with him from earlier, but now she understood. She hugged her husband. They cried together.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread