[WP] You're an unmanned drone pilot. Your next assignment finds you training to pilot an orbital unmanned drone around the planet for three years straight. Once your shift starts, you begin to hear the voice of God commanding you to crash the Boeing X37 into Shanghai, China at unstoppable speeds.

"Sit back down in the fucking chair. You signed on for a three year shift. You're fucking doing a three year shift. Get your ass into that god damn chair and do drone things or I swear to god I'll end you and everything you've ever loved"

So Jeffery say back down, delirious from thirst. The water cooler was mere feet away. He could use it as soon as his shift ended in two years, 364 days and 12 hours. He'd peed himself four times already. he had a medical condition. All those sweet overtime hours would let him finally get the medicine he needed.

"It's ok" croaked a withered woman sitting in the drone terminal next to him. "Day 5 is the hump. Just get past that and its all smooth sailing". She raised her arms. "Smoooth sailing". She then died from exhaustion and slumped into the controls, sending her drone plummeting down to earth. The supervisor saw this, grabbed his gun and left to kill everyone and everything the woman had ever loved. Jeffery considered leaving but he couldn't. He had a medical condition.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread