[WP] "You're human? Right? We don't see many of those these days."

You are a human? We don't see many of you these days.

Asahi, the Goddess of fertility yawned as the boy stood before her. Trembling. He had been screaming in pain moments before. The displacement had been a success. However, She had not quite expected what had showed up on the summoning circle.

He had been tortured. Multiple torture marks adorned his pinkish flesh. His tongue had been clipped and it was evident it still hurt. Asahi was a waning goddess. Her powers had not been enough to fix all the other damages to his body, but, she had repaired his genitalia.

She wanted to throw up remembering the state it was in.

Answer me BOY! she thundered. Can You not nod even?!

The boy nodded quickly.

Good. A human would make an excellent snack. She thought. She might even keep him around longer if he proved good. And since he could not speak, it would make him an excellent conversationalist.

Why was he in that state? she asked Aldarin. A wizened old Goat she had once granted immortality and the sense of self to.

Aldarin stroked his beard and looked up things on his tablet. Always be with the times he had mused once to Asahi. Part of the reason Asahi had opened up a fertility clinic in the Tri state area. Though she had never visited it once in the last decade of its operation.

he was a victim, Lady Asahi.


A soft target yes. For a Vietnamese Girl Gang whose name translates to Blade... uh... Dancers. They wanted to make a point to the White people in the area.

Asahi looked at the trembling boy. Barely loose from his mothers skirts.

How old is he? 16, Lady Asahi.

He looks puny for his age. She thought.

What about the Gang?

Aldarin took off his glasses -A remarkable feat, considering his hands were feet- wiping it carefully on his tunic.

The Red God lost his son just recently.

That maniac had a son?

Yes. A human child he had adopted after falling for a rather ... charming young Man from Yale. The young man died of old age. His son died not long after. Aldarin sighed.

He has contacted 5 of his worshipers and instructed them that they owe him 8 lives. Along with the names of the Gang members. Aldarin looked up something. Here is the quote... "i want them to smell there own rotting guts before they die."

Asahi sighed. So many fertile young women lost. She hated this. However, she was not dumb enough to go up against that raging monster.

The boy looked lost. And he looked cold. The linens he wore were bloodstained and crackling.

When will the healing potion get here?

Soon. However, there is only one left. Are you absolutely sure about this?

Asahi was not sure. She felt that anyone else would be better suited to the job than this green boy barely out of his diapers. yet, here he was.

The potion arrived on a silver platter. No, there was no need for such show. Asahi just liked to remind herself she was rich.

Drink. She commanded. The potion had already been poured into a tumbler for convenient consumption.

The boy shook his head vehemently and took several steps back.

DRINK! She thundered. Still he would not.

She jumped off her throne and closed the distance almost instantly. Snatching up the potion and filling her mouth with a big drink. Then she did what she never thought she would do in a million years.

If her sisters would see her at that moment, their eyes would be rolling faster than the wheels on a Ferrari.

The boy could not resist. Forcing someones mouth open with a kiss was not romantic. It was brutal. She tasted blood from where her front teeth nicked his gum. yet she continued. Holding him down until he swallowed.

As he writhed in her arms, she let out a long pent up sigh. Finally she had found him again. A broken version of him, yes, but it was him.

Her one and only beloved consort.

To be continued.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread