[WP] You're a paranormal investigator. You're also a 749 year old immortal. You're not hunting for curiosity, you're hunting for love.

Being an ageless werewolf kitsune hybrid isn't all it's cracked up to be. I mean sure there's the strength, I can shatter a skyscraper with a few punches or kicks. Then there's the magic, I can set an endless number of things on fire at the flick of the hand.

But it got lonely and it got there fast. My mother is a great nine tailed kitsune in her prime, and my father an alpha mighty like no other, they are one hell of a power couple. With the sheer volume of followers they have you would think they'd have taken over the states. But no, the clans together inhabit most of southern Illinois, farming hunting and raising livestock like normal folks. It gets difficult to hide pointed animal ears and fluffy tails but we get by. My parents do everything together from cooking cleaning and they are always happy about it. I'd tried to find a mate within the clans, but between mixed feelings about my being a half breed and the only son in several hundred years of my mighty parents, the women either despise or fear me.

Discouraged i'd went out into the more human parts of the world and took a wife or two, but the problem is, I can't turn them. You are either born a kitsune from descendants of the first, or turned into a werewolf through vicious weakening of the body through deep wounds that would normally kill you, just enough for the change to take over and you endure the pain to heal anew as one of the wolves. But no, I can't. Ive never had the heart to do this. After three marriages I fled roughly thirty years in. Showing no signs of aging is always suspicious. But even my children aren't immortal like me. The half blood is entirely a submissive trait, despite the power it gives me. Watching my family age and die was too much to bear so I always left faking my death. It is less sad for them to suffer wondering then to know if my fate.

With all my misfortune I further travelled, taking jobs from allies investigating paranormal occurrences, mostly jobs from other wolves, a few witches, and once a demon possessing someone just to not be in hell. Didn't even control the guy. Just on for the ride. The jobs usually are involving demons or just somebody new that others are wary of. Never rush in, take your time no matter what. Demons are deadly and horrifying but very predictable. But my latest job is an oddity. I was contacted by a close friend i made in Georgia to investigate some magical alterations. Somebody had gone to immense trouble to clear areas of homeless people, but not in the way you'd think. Dozens at a time would win some "prize" and get huge cash settlements and be given homes far away. The homes that were all in shite neighborhoods were repaired within two weeks, dead grass restored, trees returned to life. The gangs were disbanded and homeless were homed.

Don't get me wrong my friend told me to interfere as minimally as possible. Magic being used to heal suffering and protect others? Making the rest of us look good is a way to ensure being left alone. But nevertheless my friend pays heavily. I started by cloaking my magic my ears and tails, masking my wolf scent and set out to the neighborhood transformed.

He said they'd changed but I never would have expected what I found. Families happy, barbecues, even people offering me food! A total stranger on a walk in his Hawaiian shirt. But something caught my eye, the glint of predatory eyes and the pressure of being followed. One of the upsides to living old, is understanding the youth.

They were eager, predictable. They made little effort to mask themselves to me, letting me know they knew what I was, and that they were on to me. I didn't sense hostility but that doesn't mean there isn't danger. I quickly made moves to leave, heading towards the one remaining house they deemed unworthy of saving, still awaiting demolition. I tossed the foreclose sign aside and with brute force I ripped the door from it's hinges, and rested it back in place. I stood in the entryway, searching, feeling for them, but felt nothing.

I waited for five minutes, before preparing to take my leave, when the feeling hit me again. A gout of flame burst through the wall to my right, and I jumped up the stairway, heading straight into a masked womans trap. She landed a heavy kick to my sternum, winding me and sending me tumbling back down the stairs, as I fell I landed a heavy hit to her side, sending her through rotting drywall and plaster. Falling down the steps I Rolled to my feet in time to avoid an axe where my head had been, I kicked the newcomer in the temple, and he was down...that fast? No time to think, again jumping to the side to avoid ice spikes but dragging the unconscious axe man so he wasnt gored. I tossed him out of the way and waited.

I wasn't here to kill or cause harm, I reminded myself, feeling my excitement tingling. Waiting, she stepped down slowly and stared at me, putting her hands up. She slowly took off her mask, as not to antagonize me into attacking. My heart dropped. The woman before me was breathtaking. Her red hair and blazing eyes perfectly framed by the nine fluffy tails that Surrounded her like halos. She was holding her side, where my blow had connected earlier. She spoke, her voice every bit as captivating as the rest of her.

Why are you here stranger? We have broken none of the accords, And we have not hurt anyone. There is no reason for you to be investigating us, her accusatory voice betraying the fear she was feeling. I raised my hands, slowly to show no harm and dropped my glamour and disguise, showing my true self for the first time in a long time. My tails, ears, and my curtain of black hair all open to see. I spoke steadily, trying not to betray my overwhelming interest to her, I am ignifex. I'm not here under hostile or any prosecutorial business. My friend was fairly concerned at the rate of change and asked me to ensure all the people once here were properly taken care of. Nothing Is out of order and nothing is suspicious. I just wanted to make sure everyone was OK so that my friend could rest easy.

The honesty in my voice told her I was in fact not lying, she relaxed a little, and said thank you for moving my brother. I got carried away and could have killed him. I smiled, it was no trouble. I didn't want anyone hurt too badly or killed. I was only here to do my job. She bowed, ill let the others know to leave you in peace as you go.

(Girl fox lady's view)

Holy hell. That guy was hot. His oddly colored eyes and the fountain of perfect hair was unbelievable. He also had the nine tails ever displaying his dominance in magicks. He left and there was no further incident. No hostility, no bad magic, just his overwhelming presence still hanging in the air. I passed the knowledge I'd gained to the elders in detail, from him holding back to protecting Azel. I needed to clear my head to stop thinking about him. And it hit me. I can go visit my friend over in common district! A decent warlock with capable spell bending. He was always up for a few video games. I made my way downtown, slowly dropping my glamour to signify my approach. I knocked at the door, and there he was. Anthony, his disheveled hair, tank top and all.

Uh, hey Vi! What's up? He seems nervous for some reason, could he have heard what happened? Nothing too crazy, just trying to get my mind off a gorgeous man I met in the worst possible way. Mind if we play a few games? He looked back briefly, and said maybe in a half hour? I'm kind of in the middle of cleaning up a bit. Oh nonsense Anthony! Your version of dirty is everyone else's good enough and I strolled in past him. And there he was. Shirtless on Anthony's white leather couch was ignifex in all his muscled fluffy glory playing with a phone, his tails draped over the couch. He spoke, hey Anthony who was at the...door. he stared at me his eyes wide in shock. Oh.. uhh hi you aren't Anthony.. Was all he could muster. Uh, excuse me!! He shouted vaulting over the couch into the spare bedroom closing the door behind him. Anthony ran in shouting wait! you shouldn't go in... all too late.

Anthony what the hell why didn't you tell me you had company, her face flamed red. Anthony's nervous grin turned into a crooked, knowing smile. Throwing the door open with magic, ignifex was frantically pulling a shirt over his head. Ignifex get in here, he shouted. I'd like you to meet my friend...

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