[WP] you're satan, beginning to like humans. Thus, you want to make hell a better place for the people with only minor sins.


"Can you believe this shit? Who does he think he is?" It was a question many of them had asked lately. There were changes coming and it seemed very few among the rank and file liked them. Not that any of them would say anything too loudly.

Ker-chunk. A dull groan echoed down the hall.

"I don't agree with it anymore than you, but what are you going to do? Mutiny?" That last word came out in a whisper. No one was stupid enough openly talk about treason.


"Of course not, don't be stupid. Look, all I'm saying is this isn't place isn't the same as it used to be. This place used to be fun, it was exciting, I actually enjoyed this work. Now.... "

Ker-chunk. A scream this time.

"Can he even make this policy? I mean, I thought all this was mandated by higher up?" He sighed. "I don't know. I think I'm just going to call it quits after this term. I can't keep dealing with this shit."


"I wish I could say the same. I've got a family to worry about, and this is all I'm good at. I wouldn't even know what to do, if not this."

Ker-chunk. Another notice stapled up.

"I don't even care, I'll figure something out. This isn't the same organization it was even ten years ago. There has to be something better out there. Sonuvabitch! This one is bleeding all over it!"

He ripped the note down, crumpled it up, and threw it aside. He pulled out a new one and this time he stapled it into the man's forehead. He stared at it for a moment to make sure there wouldn't be anymore bleeding. It read:

Effective immediately: all non-violent sinners will be allowed one (1) hour per day to roam free of Hell. >This time limit will be strictly enforced and any soul found attempting to prolong the time will be >severely punished. Any lower-level demon found not complying with this memorandum will also be >severely punished. Please direct any questions to HR (4th Level), room 204.



"I'm telling you, this is some ol' bullshit!"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread