[WP] You've become an immortal being. Living throughout the ages you begin to notice that the souls of your companions or adversaries reincarnate and always seem to be drawn to you. After countless lifetimes, someone remembers.

I've wandered deserts more barren than my heart, forests greener than the envy I hold towards those who die. When you've lived as long as I, life is not sacred... it's torture, forced to watch the world die around you. Friends, family, animals- even plants and trees decay with every breath I draw.

I've found this world has a familiarity to it, after being forced to watch generations wilt and bloom like spring's tide. Good friends of old born anew, only in different skin. They don't remember.

But I do.

I've befriended the same man some hundreds of times. Once a carpenter, next a soldier or poet. Yet always, underneath, I can tell he is the same. Perhaps this is just the flow of humanity, but I feel something different is at work. I hope so, at least, for if not... I am merely a man broken by loss, crippled by knowledge.

At last, one day- he saw me for what I am; his long lost friend.

At least, for a moment.

"I thought you seemed familiar," he said. My heart sank, light as it was.

"I know the feeling," I replied, drawing breath. By the time I'd exhaled, he was gone once again.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread