Wrecked by anxiety, do you think access and diversity can help me with this specific issue?

I was in a similar situation years ago. I have social anxiety and I reached out to UBC counseling in Fall 2013 because it was impacting my academic performance. I didn't fully recognize my social anxiety before, but I got a bad cold during my second year on the October midterm season. I wasn't able to get better due to having to be switching on and off for essays and exams. My Japanese course suffered the most from this. I was behind, and too afraid to go to class because of social anxiety, and feeling like I was too far behind and inferior to everyone else.

Ask your counselour about options.I'm in Arts but asked my counselor if I could get it after attending some group therapy sessions, and then my arts academic advisor helped me out by giving me some forms. Your professor will most likely agree to give you concession if you need it. The counselors are more sympathetic if you're taking active steps towards treatment(Even though SA makes it harder to seek it and articulate whats wrong).

I was able to get a W for my language course instead of an f, and now I am graduating this year with a decent GPA. It's possible to succeed having social anxiety and you're not alone in the struggle. Even job hunting with SA is tough for me, but people like us just gottah push through.

PM me if you want more advice or someone to talk to.

/r/UBC Thread