I want to write "stay alive" as in the title of an album. Is it "mantenerse vivo" or "estar vivo"? Or something else?

Oh my god... What do you want it to say? Do you want it to read like a command or a statement? Do you want people to read it in the context of, "hey, you! Over there! Hey, stay alive!" which would be conjugated one way or do you want people to read it like, "hey man I know it's tough just hang in there and stay alive."

And I checked a bit of your post history. You said that you can't believe that the father of twins hasn't already tried to fuck them. I'm guessing you're hovering around 15 and think that being sarcastic and edgy is cool. Which is fine, but you should start to realize soon that you are currently being an asshole and you're not very smart.

/r/Spanish Thread Parent