Why is it wrong to explicitly state sexualized gender expression preferences?

OP made a thread, I mostly agreed, and offered my opinion.

I generally only talk about masc/fem stuff when the topic comes up on this subreddit. I don't make posts about it.

I don't think it's wrong to publicly say you're not attracted to feminine men though. It's not something anyone should be hurt or upset by.

Protecting people from the knowledge that some people aren't sexually attracted to them seems like it would do more harm than good. I'm just trying to understand.

You never see straight people throwing fits when people aren't attracted to them, this seems like a uniquely gay phenomenon.

I just want people to live and let live eh? If you're into fems, cool, if you aren't, cool. It shouldn't be taken personally.

A fem hits on a guy and the guy rejects him, fem asks why, finds out the truth. Is that somehow less bad than just reading it on the guys profile?

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