The wrong kind of spooky caw caw

Well I feel much better knowing isn’t a direct insult. As long as it doesn’t have my name on it, I should just ignore it. Because although it reinforces stereotypes, makes fun of a debilitating condition, and is shared in a public forum—it can’t be offensive because the patient involved wasn’t explicitly dressed like me or using my name.

Yeah I am gonna pass on that understanding of society and my role in it. I’m gonna assert this is wildly inappropriate, defensive, and worst of all just not funny. No one should look away, remain silent, or quietly disagree from a distance when a group of people are being hurt. And fuck you very much this DID hurt to see

So for the record:I have been twitching on the ground, it wasn’t funny then—or now, and YES I am calling bullshit on this display on behalf of myself because I CAN take this personally, Oh yeah, and I hope you have a safe, happy, and healthy Halloween.

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