Is it wrong to not support being gay? Not hateful or opposing but just in general don't like the idea myself

Wow. You spent a lot of time and thought dissecting each letter. Even us queer people don't put that much thought into it, i'm actually kind of shocked right now lol.

Whether or not you "understand" what the letters mean, that's what they are. And you don't "respect humans regardless" if you can't have the basic decency to address the community as such. You go out of your way to take away letters you don't like or understand instead of just.....learning what they mean?

privledges some people are pursuing in sports

That's weird, there's not much privilege going on in any other aspect of a trans persons life nor is this "sports privilege" so widespread that it's even worth mentioning. There are bigger hills to die on, this ain't it. Do you truly and honestly think there is anything privilege about being trans?

I disagree with the distinction of Gender in conversations of Sex.

Again, you can disagree on whatever you want, it doesn't change the truth that there is a distinction between gender and sex, it's scientific fact actually, regardless of how you feel.

I believe that Trans people should have all the same Rights and be treated the same as anyone else.

For sure for sure just, not in the acronym of LGBTQ+, not in sports, and not when discussing gender?

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent